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Gavinor Kholin
House Kholin
Padres Elhokar, Aesudan
Parientes Jasnah, Adolin, Renarin, Hesina,[1] Kaladin, Tien, Oroden
Ancestros Sadees, Gavilar, Navani
Nacido en ~1172[2]
Mundo natal Roshar

Gavinor Kholin is the first and only son of Elhokar and Aesudan Kholin.[3]

Gavinor spent most of his life in Kholinar with his mother, Aesudan. Little is known about his childhood before the Battle of Kholinar, when he was two or three year old. During the battle, Elhokar and his guard enter the palace where Gavinor is, finding him sitting on the floor being tormented by spren. He was found in a small uniform holding a stuffed soldier in blue armor. The spren had soft red glows, were "picking at him like cremlings at a corpse," and were turning into shapes such as horses with melting faces to terrify him. Kaladin is enraged and kills one of the spren, then tries to pick him up. Gavinor cries, drawing his father's attention, who then comes to try and help him. He scoots away, crying, until Elhokar whispers something to him to make him stop. Elhokar than takes him from the palace.[4] When Elhokar is killed by Moash, Moash shoves Gavinor aside with his foot while he is crying. He is later rescued from Kholinar by Skar and Drehy.[2]


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