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Oficio Tailor
Nacionalidad de Thaylenah
Mundo natal Roshar

Yokska is tailor in Kholinar.[1]

Yokska and her Husband run a tailor shop in Kholinar for lighteyes. Yokska is Adolin Kholin's tailor.

Siege of Kholinar

During the Siege Yokska and her Husband provided a place for Adolin and Elhokar to hide and plan how to open the Oathgate. Yokska Was able to provide them with much needed information on what was happening in the city. Just before the assault on the palace Adolin instructed Yokska, if the city falls to flee towards the Shatter Plains. Elhokar then gave Yokska their spanreed and told her shortly after the battle starts to attempt to contact Urithiru and let them know what is happening even at the risk of being caught by screamers.[2] Based of the communication Dalinar received that She did contact Dalinar as asked but because the city fell her report was cut short by screamers and the fused. It is unknown if she was killed or enslaved by the fused for her use of the spanreed.


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