
De La Coppermind
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Oficio Maid
Residencia Los campamentos de guerra alezi
Mundo natal Roshar
Universo Cosmere

Telesh is a maid in service to Meridas Amaram in the Sadeas warcamp on the Shattered Plains.[1]

Appearance and Personality

She is young and darkeyed. She is around five foot six inches tall, with a slender build and hair that comes down to the middle of her back. She has a chipper personality, often giggling and prancing about, and she has a high-pitched voice with no accent. She does not take her job very seriously, sometimes sneaking out during the day, but she escapes punishment as she has Amaram's favor. She goes out on the town nightly and dates multiple men concurrently.[1]


Shallan needed a way to infiltrate Amaram's manor, and decided to impersonate Telesh due to her similar physical appearance and her tendency to leave the manor regularly. Shallan had furtively sketched Telesh, and after she left one night Shallan used Lightweaving to take on her appearance before entering the manor. A cook mockingly asked "Telesh" if she was home early because her date's gift wasn't nice enough, or if she had been spotted by the other man she was dating. The cook then sent her to do some cleaning work with Stine.[1]

"Telesh" then encountered Amaram himself, who was surprised by seeing her being back in the manor. Amaram knew that Telesh was dating two men, and told her that she needed to settle down. He spoke highly of her father, and wanted to look out for her; Shallan was quite surprised that someone of Amaram's stature was so familiar with a lowly maid. Shallan wanted to access Amaram's quarters, and distracted him by telling him that Hav had a message for him, investigating his room after he left.[1]

Shallan then took on Amaram's appearance and covered her tracks by intimidating the cook into staying quiet about having seen Telesh. She then changed appearance again into a messenger boy and distracted Hav and Amaram from a conversation about how "Telesh" could have known of the earlier message.[1]


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Big Smooth (talk) 22:51, 31 August 2020 (UTC)

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