
De La Coppermind
Revisión del 18:53 14 feb 2020 de Big Smooth (discusión | contribs.) (mark as complete)
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La Coppermind tiene spoilers de todos los trabajos publicados de Brandon, incluyendo El Hombre Iluminado. La información sobre libros que aún no se han publicado (como El archivo de las tormentas 5) está permitida sólo en las páginas de los propios libros. Para ver una visión anterior de la wiki sin spoilers de uno de estos libros, ve a nuestra Máquina del Tiempo

Nacido en c. 1048[1]
Residencia Piedralar
Nacionalidad de Alezkar
Mundo natal Roshar
Universo Cosmere

Sani is a girl from Hearthstone in Alethkar on Roshar.[1]

Appearance and Personality

She is beautiful. She is darkeyed and has pure black hair. After suffering an injury, she only has four fingers on her left hand.[1]


Around the year 1163, when she was fifteen years old, Sani suffered a serious hand injury. She was treated by Lirin and a ten-year-old Kaladin, who was in training to be a surgeon. Kaladin showed up late and Lirin had already anesthetized Sani with winterwort, putting her to sleep while they worked on her hand. Sani's injury was to her safehand and she was only dressed in a shift, but Kaladin did not care, unlike some of his friends. He tried to stay calm and focused.[1]

Sani's injury was not life-threatening, but her hand was mangled; her broken fingers had not been set properly, and the wound was poorly cleaned and bandaged. Lirin was proud that Kaladin correctly discerned that one of the fingers, which had a compound fracture, would need to be removed. Lirin amputated Sani's finger, set the other broken fingers with splints, sutured the wound, and disinfected her hand with lister's oil. Kaladin noted that her family would probably be angry at Lirin since he could not save the finger, even though there was nothing he could have done. However, they would still make a donation that would help his parents buy food.[1]


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Big Smooth (talk) 18:53, 14 February 2020 (UTC)

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