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Ral-na by Dragontrill.jpg
Cónyuge Consorte del rey
Hijos Talik[1]
Capacidades Portador del polvo
Residencia Relu-na
Etnia de las islas Reshi
Nacionalidad de las islas Reshi
Mundo natal Roshar
Universo Cosmere

Ral-na es el rey de la comunidad que vive en Relu-na, una isla-grancaparazón en el Mar Reshi, Roshar.[1][2] Es un Portador del Polvo y está vinculado a un cenizaspren.[1]

Apariencia y personalidad

Ral-na tiene ojos oscuros y pelo con canas. Le gusta llevar ropa ámplia y de colores vivos.[1][2] Es un hombre trans[3], y su vínculo con un cenizaspren fue lo que le permitió curar su cuerpo para hacerlo coincidir con su género.[1][4] Antes de transicionar, su aspecto era el de una mujer de mediana edad[2], y después el de un hombre bajo de pectorales fuertes.[1]

Habla el idioma Reshi, y es de voz suave cuando hay forasteros presentes. Parece una persona tranquila, pero puede ser contundente cuando es necesario. [2]

Attributes and Abilities


Ral-na is the king of Relu-na, a Tai-na the size of an island that slowly moves about in the Reshi Sea. As the king, anyone who wants to join the island permanently has to give everything they own to him. His commands are to be obeyed without question, and he is directly served by various workers and guards. The island's soldiers are well-trained, in contrast to the carefree lifestyle enjoyed by many of the residents. He also negotiates trade deals for the people, but uses his son Talik as an intermediary and an interpreter.[2] Ral-na is well respected by his subjects; they have full respect for his authority.[2] It is not known if Ral-na inherited the title of king or if the Reshi have some other method of succession.

Ral-na holds court at the top of Relu-na's shell near its head, hundreds of feet above the water.[2] He only leaves the island in truly extraordinary circumstances.[5] The king supervises offerings of fruit to Relu-na, who is worshipped as a god by its residents.[2] The Reshi people believe that they can communicate with their Tai-na, and each greatshell's will is the only authority that exceeds that of their kings.[2][5] The Tai-na also provide the Reshi people with an unusually high level of knowledge regarding Aimia and larkin.[6][5]


Ral-na has formed a Nahel bond with an unknown ashspren, which grants him the ability to Surgebind. When he formed the bond, his body healed to match his gender identity.[1] Although he is not known to have formally joined the Knights Radiant organization,[5] his powers are those of the Order of Dustbringers, with the ability to manipulate the Surges of Division and Abrasion. Members of this order are relatively rare among the refounded Radiants.[1]


Ral-na recalled Vstim visiting Relu-na in his youth. In order to earn the people's respect so that they would trade with him, he slayed a coracot, an incredible feat for a foreigner. Vstim later served as Talik's babsk when Ral-na and his partner sent the young Reshi to train in Thaylenah.[2]

Trade with Rysn

Circa 1173, Vstim brought Rysn to Relu-na to negotiate a trade deal. At the time, Ral-na had not physically transitioned; his use of "king" as his title confused Rysn even though Talik told her it was perfectly normal. Rysn was unaware of Vstim's prior history with Ral-na and Talik; the trade deal was a setup intended to help teach Rysn how to negotiate on her own. Vstim feigned sickness and Talik was in on the ruse; Ral-na was presumably aware of their plan since the real trade was never in jeopardy. During the negotiations, Ral-na observed Rysn closely while Talik served as an intermediary. Ral-na was impressed by the fierceness of Rysn's arguments and gave her a chance to speak to him directly, which was itself an honor, but ultimately told her that the trade could not continue since Rysn had not earned the same level of respect as Vstim. However, Rysn refused to give up and unexpectedly climbed down a feeding rope to appeal directly to Relu-na. Ral-na seemed impressed, but quickly became concerned for Rysn's safety and commanded her to return. However, the rope broke and Rysn plummeted towards the water; she shattered her legs, but her life was spared by Relu-na and she was gifted Chiri-Chiri.[2]

Nahel Bond

At some point after Rysn recovered and departed with Vstim, Ral-na bonded with an ashspren by saying the First Ideal. After taking this oath, his body healed to match his gender identity. At first, his subjects believed it was a divine gift, but later concluded that it had something to do with the spren bond.[1][4]

Approximately two years after Rysn's visit, Ral-na was part of a Reshi delegation to Urithiru to meet with Dalinar Kholin. One of the purposes of the journey was to find more about his spren bond and the Knights Radiant. Talik was also part of the delegation, but he left the group at Azimir so he could meet with Rysn in Thaylen City. Lopen met with Talik and advised him that Ral-na should only speak to Dalinar about his powers.[1]



Ral-na considera que Vstim es sabio y digno de confianza. Vstim tiene un historial largo de comercio con Relu-na e instruyó bien a Talik. Ral-na tiene muchísimo respeto por Vstim y le tiene aprecio personal.[2]


Ral-na tiene pareja, a quien se conoce como consorte del rey, y que es también la madre de Talik.[2] La consorte del rey puede cumplir ciertas funciones del rey, especialmente si este se encuentra ausente.[5] Ral-na suele usar a Talik de intérprete. A éste no le molesta la identidad de género del rey: empezó a usar ese título sin dudarlo antes de la transición física de Ral-na, y le molesta cuando Rysn cuestiona este proceso, a lo que Talik responde que «el género no importa».[1] Más tarde dice que la transición física de Ral-na se considera un cambio a mejor.[2]


  • Brandon ha dicho que la transición de Ral-na representa el hecho de que hubiera muchos Caballeros Radiantes transgénero debido al proceso de instrospección que ocurre a medida que se avanza en los juramentos de Radiante[7]. En las Épocas Heráldicas, los Radiantes hubiesen tenido una percepción más progresista de la identidad de género que la del resto de la sociedad.[7]


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