
Revisión del 00:29 23 feb 2019 de Big Smooth (discusión | contribs.) (plugging away. remove gallery as there was really only one distinct image)

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Palona sketch.jpg
Residencia Urithiru
Nacionalidad de Herdaz
Mundo natal Roshar

Palona is a Herdazian on Roshar. She is Highprince Turinad Sebarial's mistress.[1]

Appearance and Personality

Palona is described as having dark eyes and the rocklike crystalline fingernails of a Herdazian.[1] She is short, middle-aged, and has dark, curly hair.[1][2] She speaks with a Herdazian accent[1] and presumably has the typical deep tan skin of her people.[3][4]

She is kind, although she is sometimes blunt.[1][5] Shallan notes several instances where Palona helpfully sends supplies to her room unprompted or checks on her personally.[6][2][7]

She enjoys luxury, spending money, and wearing fashionable clothing, yet she is not pretentious.[1][8] She loves to read gossip reports from various parts of Roshar.[9] She can sometimes be detached from events outside of her own interests, as she is seen relaxing with a novel and a plate of sellafruit during the Battle of Narak.[10]

Although she is not married to Turinad, she runs the household and appears to be familiar with the traditions of Alethi nobility.[1] However, she does not have the modesty of a typical Vorin woman, as she does not cover her back or carefully hide her safehand while being massaged, even when other people are present.[11][2]


Palona's origin is unknown. Lopen notes that there has been significant migration of Herdazian people to Alethkar and Jah Keved,[12] but Palona's birthplace is unknown. The Sebarial warcamp likely has the largest Herzadian population on the Shattered Plains since it contains a section "Little Herdaz",[13] but this has not been directly linked to Palona's presence. She obliquely refers to herself as a "stray" that Turinad brought home.[1]

Palona claims that Turinad wants to marry her,[1] while Turinad says that he pays more than three broams for Palona;[14] it is not clear if either of these statements are meant literally, as the two of them tend to playfully antagonize one another.[1]

She lives with Sebarial at both the Shattered Plains and Urithiru.


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