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Capacidades Forjador de Vínculos
Vinculado con the Sibling[1]
Grupo Knights Radiant (Bondsmith)
Mundo natal Roshar
Universo Cosmere

Melishi is a historical Knight Radiant of the Order of Bondsmiths on Roshar.[2]

Attributes and Abilities

Melishi was bonded to the Sibling,[1] which allowed him to use the Surges of Tension and Adhesion.[3] Because he is only known through historical texts, the exact nature and extent of his abilities are unknown, but he can presumably utilize the Surges similarly to others of his Order.


[Melishi] could make no specific account of his process; it was related to the very nature of the Heralds and their divine duties, an attribute the Bondsmiths alone could address.

Words of Radiance, chapter 30, page 18[2]

Melishi is thought to have lived several thousand years ago, and was likely the only Bondsmith of his generation.[4] Like the other Radiants, he fought against the Voidbringers during the False Desolation; the book Words of Radiance stated that he was determined to destroy them using abilities unique to the Bondsmith order.[2] His plan was related to the nature of the Heralds and he was not able to fully explain it to the other orders of Radiants.[2]

The Urithiru gem archive held some additional details about Melishi's plan. Melishi and other scholar Radiants of the time believed that the Unmade Ba-Ado-Mishram had Connected to the parsh[5] and was supplying them with Voidlight, facilitating their Forms of Power.[6] The Radiants intended to capture Ba-Ado-Mishram using Melishi's abilities and a perfect gemstone,[7][4] denying them Voidlight and thus bringing the war to an end.[8][9] However, Naze-daughter-Kuzodo was concerned about the unintended side effects of Melishi's actions.[6] The specific outcome of Melishi's plan is not known, but the events surrounding this conflict are believed to be the basis of the legendary False Desolation.[10] Sylphrena comments to Kaladin that when the parsh were "conquered", their Connection and Identity were damaged, creating what was known as "slaveform" for several millennia.[11]

Melishi is also the creator of the barrier surrounding the Sibling's pillar at the heart of Urithiru, which is powered by four gemstone nodes throughout the tower.[Falta cita]


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