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Kholinar city map.jpg
Principado Principado Kholin
Nación Alezkar
Mundo Roshar
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Kholinar is the capital city of the Kholin princedom on Alethkar, Roshar.[1] It was symmetrical in shape, built around enormous stone formations, known as the windblades,[1] because they rose like enormous fins into the air, which were unmistakable even from afar.

Through the ages, the city was rebuilt several times. It was the home of King Nohadon through one of the Desolations.[1] It has become the Alethi capital city of Alethkar, after Gavilar Kholin and Dalinar Kholin had reunited Alethkar's warring Highprinces into a single Alethi Kingdom.

It is the place where Talenel, Herald of the Almighty, has announced to the world that the Desolation has come.[2]


Kaladin, Shallan, and Adolin travel to Kholinar with King Elhokar in an attempt to free the city from whatever dark forces seem to be affecting it. They discover a dark cloud over the palace, and witness attacks made by the Fused before entering the city. A Fused attack on the wall is actually what allows them to enter the city, distracting the guards enough for them to push through. The city's defenses and command structure has basically collapsed, but the Wall Guard has taken up the defense of the city under the command of Highmarshal Azure, but they are mostly directed outwards towards the Fused.

The Unmade

Three Unmade settled in Kholinar, they are:

  • Sja-anat, who corrupted a large portion of local spren into twisted versions of themselves.
  • Ashertmarn, the Heart of the Revel, who drove many of the nobles of Kholinar into excess and debauchery in an organization known as the Cult of Moments.
  • Yelig-nar, who was bonded to Queen Aesudan.


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