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Capacidades Corredor del Viento, Shardbearer[1]
Oficio Camarera, Escriba
Residencia Urithiru
Mundo natal Roshar
Universo Cosmere

Ka es un escriba de un escuadrón de Corredores del Viento en Roshar.[2] Conoció a Puente Cuatro durante la Era de la Soledad mientras trabajaba como camarera en el Chull Gruñón, una taberna del campamento de guerra de Kholin en las Llanuras Quebradas.[3] Está prometida con Peet.[4]

Apariencia y personalidad

Ka es una bonita mujer ojos oscuros.[3]

Ka es de buen carácter, dispuesta a bromear con los hombres del Puente Cuatro.[3] Parece disfrutar especialmente burlándose de Lunamor, poniendo los ojos en blanco ante sus intentos de adularla. También les presta especial atención en la taberna, sirviéndoles bebidas en su mesa cuando los demás tienen que ir a la barra a pedir.

Atributos y habilidades

Tiene estudios, ya que sabe leer y escribir en escritura femenina. También es capaz de utilizar una vinculacaña.[5]


Ka vivía en las Llanuras Quebradas durante la Guerra de la Venganza. Comenzó a trabajar en una taberna del campo de guerra de Kholin llamada Chull Gruñón.[3]

Sometime after the Battle of the Tower, Ka began a relationship with Peet, a member of Bridge Four. The evening that Kaladin and Moash met with Graves and the other conspirators at the Ornery Chull, Ka brought them to a private table and served drinks to the two of them, as well as to Peet, Lopen, and Lunamor.[3]

When Kaladin met Ka, he considered recruiting her as a scribe and clerk for Bridge Four.[3] She was presumably receptive to this idea; a short time later, Kaladin planned to have Ka read the recently published transcriptions of Dalinar's visions to him.[5]

Ka and Peet had become engaged by the time Kaladin returned from his first trip back to Hearthstone. Sigzil reminded Kaladin to ask about family housing after bringing up their betrothal, as Bridge Four had not yet been assigned any family accommodations in Urithiru.[4] After the Battle of Thaylen Field and Adolin and Shallan's wedding, Shallan opened her wedding present from Kaladin and Bridge Four and discovered it to be a pair of boots; she thought Ka looked embarrassed by the gift.[6]

Ka presumably remained a scribe for Peet's Windrunner squad in Urithiru. She accompanied the group who took the Fourth Bridge to Hearthstone and used a spanreed for Navani during the trip, acting as an intermediary between the Fourth Bridge and the group in Urithiru running the gemstone lattice that moved the flying ship.[2]



Peet seemed to be smitten with Ka when he met her at the Ornery Chull. Peet often came to the tavern to see Ka, sometimes bringing his companions from Bridge Four. Peet's infatuation was rather obvious; he was excited to talk to Ka, and sometimes helped her clear tables while she was at work. Ka became friendly with Bridge Four, particularly with Lunamor, whom she teased about his fondness for strong Horneater lagers.[3] Ka and Peet's relationship progressed quickly and they were engaged a short time later.[4]


Ka has a sister who also lives in Urithiru during the True Desolation.[7]



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Big Smooth (talk) 17:21, 25 January 2021 (UTC)

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