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Capacidades Portador de esquirlada
Nacionalidad de Thaylenah
Mundo natal Roshar
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Great Honor in you, Prince Adolin. Great Passion in me at this aid.

— Hrdalm[1]

Hrdalm is a Thaylen Shardbearer and a highguard who lived in Thaylen City on Roshar during the Era of Solitude.[1] He helped to defeat one of the thunderclasts during the Battle of Thaylen Field.

Appearance and Personality

Hrdalm has a jovial and companionable personality.[1] He is very helpful, more than willing to work with Adolin to take down the thunderclast. Hrdalm expressed deep gratitude towards Adolin and reverence to Maya when Adolin lent Hrdalm the Shardblade after he was unable to continue the battle.[1]

Hrdalm's physical appearance is unknown, but he often wears his black Shardplate.[1] The helm had stylized Thaylen eyebrows shaped like backward sweeping knives. The Plate was painted black and skirted with a triangular pattern of interlocking scales.

Hrdalm is able to speak in broken Alethi.[1]


As Hrdalm possesses Shardplate, he was born into one of the eight ancient Thaylen houses to own Shards.[1][2] Hrdalm likely received his Shard from his father in his youth.[1] After receiving his Shard, he served as a member of the highguard, protecting the Thaylen throne.

In 1174, during the Battle of Thaylen Field, Hrdalm came to help Adolin fight the thunderclast[1] Kai-garnis.[3] He agreed to act as distraction for the monster while Adolin attacked it. However he shortly ended up being pinned by two Fused and saved by Adolin throwing Maya at one of the Fused. He expressed amazement at this feat. After Adolin was chased by the thunderclast down to a lower tier of the city, Hrdalm somehow lost his Shardhammer during the fighting but eventually began using one of the Fused's lances. Hrdalm then climbed down to the lower tier himself and found the injured Adolin. He commanded Adolin to rest as he was too injured to continue. Adolin lent Maya to Hrldalm for the rest of the battle against the thunderclast. He expressed deep reverence and gratitude to Adolin for his generosity. Hrdlam and Renarin Kholin immobilized the thunderclast together, Renarin serving as a distraction while Hrdalm cut both of the thunderclast's legs off at the knees.

Attributes and Abilities


Hrdalm owns the Shardplate named Cvaderln,[1] which had been in his family for generations.[2] He has been trained to use Shardplate and a Shardhammer, both of which he owns.[1] He is also capable of ably using a Shardblade.[1] He is very skilled with his Shards, able to capably defend himself against both a thunderclast and the Fused.


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Windrunner (talk) 19:47, 24 November 2017 (MST)

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