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Emerald sphere.jpg
by User: Sheep
Type Currency
World Roshar
Books The Stormlight Archive

Spheres are the primary currency in most nations on Roshar. Each one consists of a gemstone encased in a glass bead. Gemstones, including the ones in spheres, can temporarily hold Investiture in the form of Stormlight, offering both a source of light[1] and fuel for fabrials[Falta cita] and Surgebindings.[Falta cita] Like all gemstones, spheres naturally leak any Stormlight they have absorbed, over several days[2] - with larger denominations taking slightly longer.[Falta cita] This has led to the practice of leaving spheres out in baskets and cages during highstorms so they can be recharged. The Rosharan terms for spheres full and empty of Stormlight are infused and dun respectively.


Each sphere is made of a tiny gemstone encased in a glass bead, usually flattened on one side to keep the sphere from rolling away when set down.[3] The gemstone can belong to any one of the ten Polestones,[4] and can come in one of three different sizes. The glass bead is always a uniform size, little larger than a person's thumb nail.[1]


Exact measurements for the glass beads or their embedded gemstones are not available, but they can be deduced from a Reddit post by Peter Ahlstrom where he confirms the weight of each denomination, in carats.[Falta cita] The following table lists the mass and diameter of each denomination, assuming a uniform round cut.

Sphere measurements
Denomination Mass

(carats, ct)


(milligrams, mg)


(millimeters, mm)

Chip 0.1 20 3
Mark 0.5 100 5
Broam 2 400 8

TODO: Sources


Perhaps the most common use of the spheres is as a light source. Since the gemstones inside them have the ability to hold Stormlight, many Rosharans have adopted the habit of leaving their spheres out during highstorms (in cages or baskets, so they don't get lost or stolen) so they can get (re)charged. Much like the highstorms, Surgebinders are also able to recharge spheres, similarly to how Awakeners can store their Breaths in objects; the Surgebinder must already be Invested, at which point they can will some of their own Stormlight into a gem or sphere. Spheres are leaky containers for Stormlight, however (unlike Perfect gemstones), so they slowly lose their Stormlight to a process similar to evaporation. It takes several days for newly infused spheres to lose all of their Stormlight and become dun, though this amount of time varies slightly with the denomination of the spheres.

Due to this property of gemstones, infused spheres often serve as a replacement for other, more traditional light sources, such as candles and lanterns. Given that spherelight is both steadier and more consistent,[5] as well as being practically infinitely renewable, it is easy to see how people with access to sphere would consider them superior. The amount of light a sphere gives off varies with the denomination: chips barely have any glow at all, marks glow almost as bright as a candle, and broams glow with the light of several candles.[1] The color of the spherelight also changes from sphere to sphere, but only because any light filtered through differently colored gemstones would produce differently colored light. Famously, spherelight from diamonds is considered best for reading,[4] as it is not only closest to natural light, it is also the cheapest gemstone. All spherelight, although reputably steady and calm, is only so in comparison to the even more flickering candlelight; Kaladin observes that the Stormlight inside sphere gemstones is actually chaotically shifting, much like a blowing storm.[6]

Although spheres are generally a superior source of light, many people, especially those less well-off or living in poorer regions, still use candles or lanterns. Using candles and lanterns is often cheaper than using spheres, since a sphere's dual status as currency makes it liable to be stolen. This problem does not exist for wealthy or noble lighteyes who may use all-sphere lighting either as a practical matter or to show off their wealth. For example, the entirety of Kharbranth's royal treasury is stored in the Palanaeum to be used as a source of light for the visitors and staff.[7]

The table below lists all ten sphere types along with the spherelight color they emit.

Spherelight colors
Gem type Color
Sapphire Deep blue
Smokestone Translucent
Ruby Deep red
Diamond Translucent
Emerald Deep green
Garnet Deep violet
Zircon Pale blue
Amethyst Pale violet
Topaz Pale orange
Heliodor Light yellow

[Falta cita]


The monetary value of each sphere is a direct consequence of causes both mundane (the size of the sphere's gemstone) and arcane (the Soulcasting properties of each gem type). The gem size defines the denomination of the sphere. From smallest to largest, these are chip, mark, and broam. The gem type is applied as a qualifier to the denomination (e.g. diamond chip, or emerald broam) to form the thirty different monetary units of Roshar.

One property of Rosharan spheres that does not affect their value is whether they are infused or dun.[8] However, since the glow from the Stormlight is the easiest way to prove that a sphere is not a counterfeit, people are sometimes suspicious of dun spheres and those who try to spend them. Merchants with access to the proper equipment may inspect the gem quality of dun spheres to ensure their authenticity, or call for a moneylender.[1] Moneylenders serve an additional purpose in Rosharan societies, and that is to offer infused spheres in exchange for dun ones, since an established moneylender usually has access to secure baskets they can safely recharge spheres in. They can extend this service to people interested in recharging their own spheres safely, though this comes with a small convenience fee.[9]

For details about using spheres as a currency in Shadesmar, see Shadesmar Currency.


The economic value of each sphere is determined by the type and size of its gemstone.

The gem size defines the three denominations of spheres (chip, mark, and broam), and therefore a fixed exchange rate between the different denominations of spheres of the same type. Within the same gem type, each broam is equivalent to four marks,[10] and each mark is equivalent to five chips[1] - making a broam equal to twenty chips.

The gem type is a little more complicated. The value of each type of sphere - and, therefore, the relative value of all types - is intrinsically tied to how valuable the given gem is in Soulcasting. This makes emeralds -- which can be used to Soulcast grain -- the most expensive kind of sphere,[1] while diamonds are the cheapest. The rest of the sphere types, however, don't all have unique values; instead, they fall within one of three tiers: prime pair, middle weight, and less weight. Combined with the emerald and diamond spheres, this establishes a system with five distinct value tiers. The table below outlines the five tiers, lists the sphere types within each tier, and provides their monetary value expressed in diamond chips, the smallest denomination of the least valued gemstone.

Sphere values
Tier Value (chip) Value (mark) Value (broam) Spheres
Cheapest 1 5 20 Diamond
Less weight 5 25 100 Garnet, heliodor, topaz
Middle weight 10 50 200 Ruby, smokestone, zircon
Prime pair 25 125 500 Amethyst, sapphire
Highest 50 250 1000 Emerald

Cost of Goods and Services

Despite many of the spheres having identical values, prices on Roshar do not reflect that explicitly. It appears that Rosharans have an unspoken understanding about the equivalencies within the value tiers, as the question whether amethysts (for example) would be accepted for an item that costs sapphires never comes up.

For a full list of the known prices of goods and services, see this page. (TODO)

Spheres as Investiture

A newly rediscovered usage of spheres is as a source of Stormlight for Surgebinders, such as the members of the newly reforming Knights Radiant and Honorblade wielders like Szeth. Surgebinders draw their powers from Stormlight; in the absence of a highstorm, Surgebinders must find other sources of Stormlight. Due to the ubiquity and inconspicuousness of spheres, they are an excellent source for power for Surgebinders to draw upon. Surgebinders make it a priority to keep a stockpile of infused spheres available to them at all times, whether it be carrying a pouch of spheres on their person, having subordinates or accomplices carry them, or using spheres found in the environment.


Magitech, whoo!


Magi, whoo!

Shadesmar Currency


Informal Names

Spheres are normally described by their gemstone and denomination. However, instead of the gemstone, spheres are sometimes referred to by color. For example, a ruby mark may be referred to as a "firemark" while a diamond chip may be referred to as a "clearchip." Below is the list of known alternate names.

Other names for gems
Gem type Chips Marks
Diamond Clearchip[11] Clearmark[9]
Garnet Bloodchip[Falta cita] Bloodmark[8]
Ruby Firechip[Falta cita] Firemark[1]
Sapphire Skychip[12] Skymark[4]


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