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Nación Jah Keved
Mundo Roshar
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Bavland was a small mining region in the nation of Jah Keved on Roshar. It was located on the north-eastern tip of a centrally located mountain range and is quoted in the book as a mostly ignored stretch of land just south of the Horneater Peaks. Even the Veden highprince who had jurisdiction over the land stayed out of the area.[1]

Though not all of Bavland is concentrated on mining, it seems to be the main source of population and work for the region. There are multiple mining communities that are centered around small villages stretching across the area, and is said to be a very popular area for transient workers.

One such mining town in Bavland is Ironsway, probably named for the ore mined there. It consists of several hundred homes and 3 taverns, making it one of the largest, if not the largest town, in Bavland.[1] Due to all the mines, or perhaps the geological makeup of the area, Bavland is extremely dusty and could be why it is mostly ignored by the highprince of Jah Keved.

Though located in Jah Keved, Bavland has gained such independence from Jah Keved that it has it's own language, with several different dialects. "Kurp" is a word from the Bav language, and is a term for "child" in Ironsway's dialect. "Dustmother", a term that refers to Chemoarish[2], is used in the Bav language as a curse.[1] However, Chemoarish is sometimes mistakenly conflated with the Nightwatcher. It is not known which being the curse is intended to refer to.


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