
De La Coppermind
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Relacionado con Fabrial
Mundo de origen Roshar
Parece que esta página necesita actualizarse con nueva información de Palabras radiantes!
¡Ten cuidado! Es posible que en su estado, no contenga toda la información adicional todavía.

Artifabrians are engineers that design and construct fabrials on Roshar.[1]

They discovered groupings of fabrials, which they named Altering fabrials, Pairing fabrials, and Warning fabrials. Altering and Pairing fabrials are areas of great interest to artifabrians and are the subject of much research and theorizing.[2]

During the War of Reckoning several major breakthroughs have been accomplished by artifabrians such as the Veden Half-shards. Artifabrians have spent centuries trying to recreate Shardplate, and half-shards are the closest they have come although they operate under a different design scheme.[1]

The methods they use to craft fabrials, including capturing spren in gems are closely guarded secrets of the artifabrian community.[2]

Notable Artifabrians

An artifabrian who designed a type of painrial.[1]
Navani Kholin
A notable Alethi artifabrian[3] who helped in the creation of many fabrials, including the Grandbow.[4] She also helped refine the design of Longshadow's painrial.[1]



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