El Hermano

Revisión del 03:55 9 ago 2021 de LadyLameness (discusión | contribs.) (Great information, thanks for adding! I did a quick copy edit through and fixed a few stylistic things. :) With references, they should go immediately after punctuation, but don't stress, it's easy enough for others to jump in and help fix if you forget. :))

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El Hermano
Urithiru by Elisgardor.jpg
Padres Honor, Cultivation
Capacidades Nahel bond, Bondsmith magic
Vinculado con Navani, Melishi (formerly)[1]
Especie Spren
Mundo natal Roshar
Universo Cosmere

There is ... a third sibling. They are not with us.

—The Stormfather[2]

The Sibling is a notable spren on Roshar.[3] They are of the same power level as the Stormfather and the Nightwatcher, and is the third spren historically associated with the Order of Bondsmiths.[4][5] The Sibling manifests physically as many fabrials within the tower of Urithiru and has control over them, with the crystal pillar being the heart.[6] They are currently bonded to Navani Kholin.[4][5]

Attributes and Abilities

The Sibling is known to have been alive for at least four and a half millennia and is functionally immortal.[2] The Sibling does not view themselves as having a gender.[7] Despite living thousands of years, they remain somewhat naïve. Oathgate spren follow the orders of the Sibling and refer to the Sibling as a parent.[8]

Bondsmith Spren

While the Nightwatcher and the Stormfather are known to be connected to Cultivation and Honor respectively, the Sibling is the child of both Honor and Cultivation, created specifically to oppose Odium.[9] The Stormfather considers all three of them to be "siblings", and the fact that they are the only three spren that can bond with Bondsmiths[10] indicates that they share some characteristics.

Nahel Bond

The Sibling is one of the three great Bondsmith spren. Forming a Nahel bond with them grants one the power over the Surges of Tension and Adhesion.[11] While a Bondsmith can use Adhesion the way a Windrunner would,[12] they can also apply their powers in different manner, using them more in the Spiritual. Using Spiritual Adhesion, a Bondsmith can form a connection between themselves and another person, allowing them to speak their language.[13] They also seem capable of hearing the spiritual aspects of objects and using this to mend broken things back whole.[14] Navani Kholin is able to assist the Sibling in once again making Towerlight in large enough quantities to fully restore the functioning of Urithiru.


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The Sibling is essentially the Tower of Urithiru and controls the many fabrials within. They are capable of manifesting in the Physical Realm as both metal and as Polestones. When humans rediscovered Urithiru, most of the fabrials were dysfunctional.[15][16] Functioning fabrial systems include those for increased pressure,[16] temperature,[17] and general conditions encouraging plant growth.[16] Navani also theorizes that the air circulating through various shafts is powered by some sort of fabrial.[18] In addition, the fabrial elevators connecting Urithiru's floors begin running when gemstones are inserted.[19] Also, basic suppression of Fused powers is active. The red garnet vein within the wall strata serves as means of communication. It can light up and, upon being touched, the Sibling will be able to mentally speak with a person,[8] although this can be eavesdropped through unknown methods. They can also talk to people in weak mental state. In this state, the Sibling can only see a small area around people who are Connected to them, mainly the Radiants. The Sibling can open, close or lock the fabrial doors in Urithiru.[8]

After being restored to full powers, the Sibling can see everywhere within the tower.[6] The Sibling can also fully power and control every fabrial that makes up the tower.[20] The temperature becomes warmer since heating fabrials become more potent, for example.[5] It was once possible to only allow certain people to open a door in the past,[8] and with the tower fully restored, this function is likely available again.


The Sibling is capable of producing their own investiture known as Towerlight, a mixture of Lifelight and Stormlight, which they use to power the fabrials in Urithiru. They need to be able to harmonize the songs of Honor and Cultivation in order to produce Towerlight.[4]


My research into the cognitive reflections of the spren at the tower has been deeply illustrative. Some thought that the Sibling had withdrawn from men by intent—but I find counter to that theory.

—The third zircon in drawer 1-1 of the Urithiru gem archive[15]

Heraldic Epochs and Era of Solitude

The Sibling was capable of forming a Nahel bond. There could never be more than three Bondsmiths; there were long periods where only one existed, which might have referred to the Sibling's Bondsmith, as they were vital for Urithiru to properly function.[21]

The Sibling was the key to certain magical aspects of the tower city of Urithiru that served as the base of the Knights Radiant. Notably, the Sibling's presence was linked to the climate of the city, allowing the temperature to stay unnaturally warm given Urithiru's elevation. This allowed the Radiants to cultivate crops in the city to sustain the large population there.[15][16] At some point, the Sibling began to withdraw from the tower. The Sibling's withdrawal caused some—but not all— of the city's magical systems to fail; it soon became uninhabitable, and the Radiants were forced to abandon the city.[22][16][23] It is not clear why the Sibling disengaged with mankind; an Elsecaller who left notes in the gem archive argued that the spren's disappearance was neither intentional nor a result of internal strife among the Knights Radiant.[15][16][24] The Sibling was wounded by the imprisonment of Ba-Ado-Mishram; this wound resulted in the Sibling losing the rhythm of Towerlight, which in turn stopped Urithiru functioning.[25]

After the Sibling's departure, they were not hiding but rather "slumbering" in the millennia following the abandonment of Urithiru and the Recreance.[2] The Stormfather has generally been reticent to discuss the Sibling with Dalinar because they were somehow harmed by mankind in the past.[10][2]

True Desolation

The Sibling first made contact with Navani Kholin, through a purposefully placed spanreed ruby.[26] Initially, Navani and the Sibling were at odds, due to their differences in morals regarding fabrial technology.[Falta cita] Throughout the occupation of Urithuru, the Sibling reveals that they have several nodes to protect them from enemy invasion.[Falta cita] Their last Bondsmith wanted to install several more but was only able to install four nodes across the first few levels of the tower.[Falta cita] The Sibling was hesitant to tell Navani the location of the nodes, and only gave them up when Navani convinced them it was vital to protect them from further corruption.[Falta cita] However, the Sibling's fears were not unwarranted, after the reveal of the third node, Raboniel revealed that she had been listening in the entire time Navani and the Sibling were communicating.[27] The Sibling refused to talk to anyone until their final node was in danger, and they called on Kaladin for help to protect them from full corruption.[28] While Kaladin fought against the Fused, Navani attempted to push the Sibling towards bonding Rlain, as suggested by Kaladin and Navani. However, there was not enough time to find Rlain and Navani suggested herself.[4] While hesitant initially, the Sibling accepted the bond, and working together they were able to expel the voidlight corrupting the Sibling and restore Urithiru to full power .[Falta cita] When the Sibling bonded Navani, they were finally able to create towerlight[4] after being unable to hear Honor's tone since his death.[Falta cita]


  1. El ritmo de la guerra capítulo 42#
  2. a b c d Juramentada capítulo 111#
  3. El ritmo de la guerra capítulo 3#
  4. a b c d e El ritmo de la guerra capítulo 110#
  5. a b c El ritmo de la guerra capítulo 116#
  6. a b El ritmo de la guerra capítulo 111#
  7. Skyward Pre-Release AMA
    Arcanum - 2018-11-03#
  8. a b c d El ritmo de la guerra capítulo 55#
  9. Juramentada capítulo 42#
  10. a b Juramentada capítulo 64#
  11. Surgebinding Chart
  12. Juramentada capítulo 28#
  13. Juramentada capítulo 65#
  14. Juramentada capítulo 59#
  15. a b c d Juramentada capítulo 68 Epígrafe#
  16. a b c d e f Juramentada capítulo 69 Epígrafe#
  17. Juramentada capítulo 53#
  18. Juramentada capítulo 28 Epígrafe#
  19. Juramentada capítulo 8#
  20. El ritmo de la guerra capítulo 112#
  21. Juramentada capítulo 67 Epígrafe#
  22. Juramentada capítulo 65 Epígrafe#
  23. Juramentada capítulo 72 Epígrafe#
  24. Juramentada capítulo 70 Epígrafe#
  25. El ritmo de la guerra capítulo 49#
  26. El ritmo de la guerra capítulo 9#
  27. El ritmo de la guerra capítulo 72#
  28. El ritmo de la guerra capítulo 100#
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