El poema de la séptima mañana

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El poema de la séptima mañana
Mundo de origen Roshar

The Poem of the Seventh Morning is ancient poetry from Roshar.[1][2]

The poem itself has been lost, but parts of it survive through citations in other ancient works. During her research of Voidbringers, Jasnah Kholin quoted a snippet from the poem in her notebook.[1] The quote contains some information attributed to an ancient Knight Radiant who was familiar with fighting Voidbringers.[1]

They changed, even as we fought them. Like shadows they were, that can transform as the flame dances. Never underestimate them because of what you first see.

— Purports to be a scrap collected from Talatin, a Radiant of the Order of Stonewards. The source - Guvlow's Incarnate - is generally held as reliable, though this is from a copied fragment of The Poem of the Seventh Morning, which has been lost.[1]


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Big Smooth (talk) 12:56, 19 March 2019 (MST)

Recuerda que esto es una traducción del sitio oficial. Por lo tanto, podrás encontrar páginas en inglés si el artículo no ha sido traducido todavía. No te preocupes, que estamos trabajando para traer la versión al español a la mayor brevedad posible.

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