Asedio a Kholinar

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Asedio a Kholinar
Parte de True Desolation
Fecha ~Jesishi to Nanachan 1174[Falta cita]
Participantes Adolin, Kaladin, Shallan Davar, Elhokar, Azure, Drehy, Skar, The Fused, Moash, Sah, Khen
Efectos Alethkar lost to the Voidbringers; death of Elhokar; Adolin, Shallan, Kaladin, and Azure transported to Shadesmar
Región [[Kholin princedom|Kholin princedom]][[Categoría:Kholin princedom]]
Lugar Kholinar
Mundo Roshar

The Siege of Kholinar and the ensuing battle inside Kholinar Palace are a major event in the True Desolation.


Voidbringer forces have gathered outside of Kholinar, taking control of nearby villages and forcing the local populace into obedience while waiting for the rest of their hosts to arrive.


In the siege leading up to the main assault the Voidbringers used various siege tactics to weaken and test the cities defences. Upon the arrival of Moash's group refugees were released by the Voidbringers in order to further encumber the besieged city which was already running low on food. In order to prevent communication with Urithiru and the other allied human forces the Voidbringers deployed a variety of of Voidspren referred to as Screamers to detect the use of fabrials within the city, particularly spanreeds. These spren can detect the use of fabrials and investiture within the city and upon detection emit their namesake scream to alert nearby scouting Fused. The Fused would then strike at the point to neutralise the source. The Fused were also shown to engage in raids on the city walls in order to gauge the cities' defences which were primarily maintained by Highmarshal Azure and the Wall Guard.

Assault on the City


Battle of Kholinar Palace



With the King slain and the Voidbringers overwhelming the palace, the remainder of a despondent Kaladin's forces retreat to the Oathgate. Knowing that, even though the Oathgate had been tampered with, it was the only way to escape, Shallan attempts to activate it against the warnings of the supposedly turncoat Unmade, Sja-Anat. The ancient entity promises to try and not kill Shallan and her companions as the sabotaged Oathgate transports them to Shadesmar.

After the Radiant's narrow escape the Voidbringers gain complete control over the city and cement their hold over the majority of Alethkar, however during the battle the Bridge Four members Skar and Drehy managed to extricate Elhokar's son Gav from the chaos and flee the city undetected.

Aesudan's fate after the battle is unknown but Yelig-nar is later shown taking Meridas Amaram as it's new host, with Odium mentioning that "the power consumed her".

Characters Present


  • Kaladin
  • Azure
  • Shallan
  • Adolin
  • Elhokar
  • Aesudan
  • Beard
  • Noro
  • Moash
  • Khen
  • Sah
  • Jali
  • Sja-anat
  • Ashertmarn
  • Syl
  • Pattern
  • Skar
  • Drehy
  • Vathah
  • Red
  • Ishnah


  • Gavinor


  • Elhokar
  • Beard
  • Noro
  • Sah
  • Jali


History of Roshar
Battle of Narak Asedio a Kholinar Battle of Thaylen Field
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