Auténtica Desolación

Revisión del 09:38 14 nov 2015 de TheYoungBard (discusión | contribs.) (Added 'More info.' redirect)

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The coming of the True Desolation, the Everstorm, or the Night of Sorrows over Roshar is predicted a few times in The Way of Kings.


Mankind fears the Desolations. There were 99 desolations and the Last Desolation happened 4,500 years ago and very little knowledge about these events has survived. It is known that the Heralds are sent during every desolation to aid mankind in their survival. During the aftermath of the last desolation, the Heralds abandoned their blades and broke the Oathpact. The prelude to the Stormlight Archive indicates that they abandoned the oathpact partly because they were tired of returning to what has been described as a place of torture and pain, and partly in the hope that if they didn't return it might stop the cycle of desolations and the wasting of lives. Though they left one of their order behind in order to stop Odium and the Voidbringers from once again shattering the world.

Dalinar's visions

In Dalinar's visions, he is warned of its coming.

Unite them. The sun approaches the horizon. The Everstorm comes. The True Desolation. The Night of Sorrows.

Honor during one of Dalinar's visions[1]

I have said I that cannot be of much help to you. The Night of Sorrows will come, and the True Desolation. The Everstorm.

—Honor during one of Dalinar's visions[2]

Kaladin's ride on the storm

When Kaladin rides the storm, a voice tells him that the Oathpact is broken and Odium comes.[3]


The True Desolation is mentioned in the Epigraph to Chapter 5 in The Way of Kings.

I have seen the end, and have heard it named. The Night of Sorrows, the True Desolation. The Everstorm.

—Collected on the 1st of Palahes, 1172, 15 seconds pre-death. Subject was a darkeyed youth of unknown origin.[4]


Talenel was the only Herald that died during the Last Desolation, and was thus forced to return to Damnation. The other nine Heralds thought him enough to uphold the Oathpact and thus end the cycle of Desolations.

He appears in Kholinar and claims that he has failed to uphold the Oathpact. He then falls to the ground, unconscious.[5]

Who am I? I ... I am Talenel'Elin, Stonesinew, Herald of the Almighty. The Desolation has come. Oh, God ... it has come. And I have failed.

—Talenel's reappearance[5]


For more information, see Everstorm.

The Everstorm is similar to Highstorms, but has an opposite rotation and other possible differences. It appears to be referenced as being the same thing as the True Desolation by the Stormfather in Dalinar's visions, but it is possible the Everstorm is only a part of the True Desolation.


Auténtica Desolación
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