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Cuartel General The Silent Mount
Mundo de origen Roshar

Anak malah kaf, del makian habin yah

—A line from the Dawnchant, meaning, "To be human is to want that which we cannot have."[1]

The Vanrial were an order of artists on Roshar who lived on the slopes of the Silent Mount in Jah Keved.[1] For centuries they sang a song in a language whose meaning had been lost. The Vanrial claimed that the song had been given to them by the Heralds. Some evidence suggested that the lyrics themselves were in the Dawnchant.

There is also a theory that was known as the Vanrial Hypothesis; what it postulates is unknown.[1]

The Vanrial were also responsible for preserving the full text of The Way of Kings from earlier times in Roshar's history when many other classical works were lost.[2]


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Windrunner (talk) 14:21, 23 November 2016 (MST)

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