
Revisión del 16:34 25 abr 2021 de Big Smooth (discusión | contribs.) (mark as complete)

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Parientes Falilar (uncle)
Habilidades Artifabriano
Oficio Fervoroso
Religión Vorinism
Residencia Urithiru
Nacionalidad de Alezkar
Mundo natal Roshar
Universo Cosmere

A Radiant still fights, Tomor, and he needs your device to climb between floors.

Tomor is an ardent who serves as a junior engineer/artifabrian on Roshar. He is the nephew of Falilar.[2]

Appearance and Personality

Tomor is a bald, darkeyed youth.[2] He is enthusiastic about his engineering projects.[3]


At Urithiru, Navani asked Tomor and Falilar to work on a new set of lift fabrials working on the same principles as the Fourth Bridge. In the process of their design work, they created a prototype that was a wrist-mounted personal lifting fabrial which enabled the bearer to engage and disengage the conjoined rubies, moving in whichever direction they desired for a short period of time. Navani tested the device, then gave Tomor the go-ahead to continue work on the personal fabrial idea.[2]

Walking outside the tower, and don't want to go all the way to the central shaft to catch a lift? No problem. Zip! All the way up high.


After working on the design, Tomor presented Navani with an updated version of the personal fabrial built into a leather glove. He excitedly explained to her how it worked as he tied it onto her arm, then insisted that she try it. Reluctantly—and to the delight of the room's other occupants—she did so, then gave Tomor suggestions as to how to improve the design.[3]

After the occupation of Urithiru by the Fused and Navani's subsequent agreement to continue her scholarship under Raboniel's supervision, Tomor was set to work recalculating the math on certain schematics. Realizing that he was junior enough not to be escorted in and out of the work area, Navani requested that Tomor sneak his glove prototype to Kaladin. Including a map to the weights on the twentieth floor with the device, Tomor managed to hide the fabrial from the Fused; the Sibling later led Dabbid to its location.[1][4]


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Big Smooth (talk) 16:34, 25 April 2021 (UTC)

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