
De La Coppermind
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Oficio Mercenary
Mundo natal Roshar
Universo Cosmere

She is trouble. I still think we should just leave her and go.

—Tag talking about Shallan[1]

Tag is a mercenary from Roshar. He works in Tvlakv's slaving crew along with Bluth.[2]

Appearance and Personality

Little is known about Tag's appearance. He's most likely darkeyed (as he serves under darkeyed Tvlakv), and has thick thumbs.[1][3]

Tag is a calm man with a clear lifetime of experience, and can keep a cool head even in most irritating or dangerous circumstances.[2][3] He's cautious, preferring to avoid conflict when it's unnecessary, and is suspicious of any strangers.[4][1] He does, however, obey his superiors without question, though he isn't afraid of voicing his opinions and concerns.[2][5] In return, Tvlakv values what he has to say.[2]

Attributes and Abilities

Tag is an experienced mercenary. He uses a spear, and can fight with it well enough to defend himself and others from bandits.[4][6] He also knows how to drive a chull wagon and how to command Parshmen.[7][1] In addition to that, he's good at assessing people, and can tell at a glance who's going to be troublesome.[2][1]


It's unclear where Tag is from, but until recently, he's never been in the Unclaimed Hills. He goes there along with Bluth and Tvlakv as part of a caravan that's carrying slaves -- including Kaladin -- to the Shattered Plains.[2] Following the altercation with Kaladin over the destroyed map, he keeps his distance from the slave.[8]

Some time later, Tvlakv's caravan meets up with Shallan Davar, who has washed ashore after the sinking of Wind's Pleasure, and he allows her to travel with them to the warcamps. During that time, Tag drives one of the wagons -- either a slave wagon or the one with the Parshmen, depending on the day.[7][3] At one point, Tvlakv takes him aside to disuss Shallan. Tag is suspicious of her, and advises his boss to avail himself of her as quickly as possible. While Tvlakv doesn't heed his advice, Tag doesn't hold this against him.[1]

When Tvlakv's group comes between another caravan and a gang of bandits, Tag initially advises moving aside and letting the latter go after the former, but doesn't protest when Shallan rejects the plan.[3] When the bandits attack, he and Tvaklv go to protect the other caravan.[6] He survives the fight, and continues to drive one of the wagons to the warcamps.[5]

As Shallan and Tvlakv part ways there, what happens to him afterwards is uncertain.


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