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Tipo de Fabrial Augmenter
Gema Any Polestone
Mundo de origen Roshar
Universo Cosmere
Parece que esta página necesita actualizarse con nueva información de Juramentada!
¡Ten cuidado! Es posible que en su estado, no contenga toda la información adicional todavía.

A Half-shard is a type of augmenter fabrial developed by Veden Artifabrians late during the War of Reckoning.[1]

They are the only known objects able to block a Shardblade apart from Shardplate, other Shardblades, metalminds and aluminium. Despite not granting any of the other benefits of Shardplate, such as enhanced strength and agility,[1] they represent a significant breakthrough in fabrial science. Their bulky size and shape often leads to their users being hampered in ways Shardbearers are not.[2] While inspired by Shardplate, half-shards work according to a different design principle.[3]

Their design consists of a diamond-shaped metal plate with an infused gem attached to its back to increase its durability.[2]

Half-shards were used by King Hanavanar of Jah Keved in his failed attempt to kill Szeth.[2]

Half-shards are about as Invested as a full metalmind, less than Shardplate, but more then a Hemalurgic spike


Half-shards are diamond-shaped kite shields, large enough to cover a person's entire side.[4] The back of the shield contains a steel box with a gemstone inside of it.[4]

It is currently unknown which spren is used in the creation of Half-shards, but Taravangian says in his conversation with Dalinar Kholin that the spren entrapped in the Half-shard could have graced a Knights Radiant. However, he may have been lying or trying to mislead Dalinar Kholin.[4]


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