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Oficio Fervoroso and Swordmaster
Nacionalidad de Alezkar
Mundo natal Roshar

Kelerand is a Kholin swordmaster ardent in Urithiru. He is even better with the sword than Dalinar Kholin, besting the highprince in two duels out of three.[1]


In Urithiru, Kelerand was responsible to some degree for training Dalinar's troops and managing the barracks. Dalinar commended him on the setup of the training facilities and ordered him to expand the training quarters and keep the soldiers busy to prevent fights.[1]

Kelerand was present in a practice room in Urithiru once when Dalinar wanted to burn off excess energy before a meeting with the Iriali queen. Like many of the other ardents, even the usually jovial swordmasters, Kelerand was made uncomfortable by Dalinar's recent marriage to Navani and his heresy concerning the Almighty's death. When Dalinar asked to spar with him, he responded that he will do so if commanded, but would rather not.[1]


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Jofwu (talk) 06:22, 17 September 2018 (MST)

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