
Revisión del 23:18 8 nov 2021 de Big Smooth (discusión | contribs.) (mark as complete)

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Capacidades Escudero Radiante de la Order of Windrunners
Oficio Scribe (former)
Grupo Bridge Four, Ejército de Kholin
Residencia Urithiru
Mundo natal Roshar
Universo Cosmere

Kara is a former scribe on Roshar who joins Bridge Four and becomes a Windrunner squire.[1]

Appearance and Personality

Kara stood out among the scribes even prior to joining Bridge Four, as Lyn was familiar with her.[2] She seems to fit in well with the other Windrunners, displaying a sense of humor in her relationship with Lunamor.[1]

Attributes and Abilities

Kara is surprisingly skilled with a spear. She has practiced with one since childhood, although she kept this ability secret when she was employed as a scribe.[2]

She becomes a squire to an unknown Windrunner in Bridge Four at some point after the Battle of Thaylen Field. She proves to be a quick learner and becomes one of the more proficient Windrunner squires. Even as a squire, her skill with both the spear and the Surge of Gravitation allow her to hold her own in battles with the Heavenly Ones. Kaladin remarks that she is ready to advance to the Third Ideal, but no honorspren partners are available.[3] It is unclear if an honorspren later becomes available for her to bond.

As a trained scribe, she is able to write in the women's script and use a spanreed. She takes her own notes during scouting missions.[4]


Little is known of Lyn's history. Since she served as a scribe for Dalinar's forces under Teshav Khal[3] she is likely Alethi, but this is not confirmed.

During the Battle of Thaylen Field, Teshav's scribe station was used as a field command post. The forces of the coalition of monarchs were stretched thin and every available soldier was needed. Lyn confided in Rock and Renarin that Kara was willing and able to fight since she had been training with a spear from a young age, facetiously referring to her childhood practice as "cheating".[2]

Kara soon became a Windrunner squire and was one of the many squires present during the evacuation mission to Hearthstone on the Fourth Bridge in 1175. She was one of the few squires who were allowed to directly duel the Fused and was seen scoring a hit on one of them with her spear.[3] She engaged in some banter with Rock after Bridge Four returned to Urithiru.[1]

She also participated in scouting missions to singer-occupied Alethkar, taking notes on the general condition of cities and their inhabitants as well as singer troop placements. Notably, she reported on the city of Tomat where Hesina's father lived.[4]


  • Many Bridge Four members are cameos of Brandon's friends,[5] and she may be a cameo of Kara Stewart.


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Big Smooth (talk) 23:18, 8 November 2021 (UTC)

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