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Títulos Heraldo del Todopoderoso,
Patron of the Willshapers
Apodos Kelek
Mundo natal Roshar
Kalak's Symbol
by Isaac Stewart

Kalak is one of the ten Heralds of the Almighty on Roshar.[1] He is the patron of the Order of Willshapers.

In the Vorin tradition he is referred to as Kelek.

Four thousand five hundred years before the main events of The Way of Kings, at the end of the Last Desolation, Kalak became daunted by the pain he would have to go through again at the place where Heralds went either after death or after a Desolation has ended. As Kalak arrived at the designated meeting spot for all the surviving Heralds, he noticed only Jezrien waiting there. Jezrien had been chosen to stay behind, unsure whether or not Kalak had perished. Kalak then confessed that he could not go back to wherever it was Heralds were meant to go due to the continuous torture they faced. Jezrien agreed with Kalak's sentiments and informed him of the Heralds' decision to end the Oathpact. Apparently seven other Heralds had decided to leave the Oathpact, leaving their Honorblades stuck point down, forming a circle. Kalak and Jezrien left in opposite directions, both their Honorblades left behind with the other seven, leaving Talenel, the only Herald to die in that Desolation as sole bearer of the Oathpact's burdens.[1]

The word Kelek, and the phrase "Kelek's Breath" were used profanely.

He was called Kelek in Vorinism[2] and according to the religion, he was associated with the Essence Foil and the Attributes, Resolute and Builder. He was number Kak on the Ten Essences table.

According to Talenel he taught people how to cast bronze, if they had forgotten.[3]


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