
De La Coppermind
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Ishi's Symbol
by Isaac Stewart

Ishar, also known as Ishi'Elin or Tezim, is one of the ten Heralds of the Almighty on Roshar[1] and is patron of the Order of Bondsmiths. Ishar fought in multiple Desolations, defending humankind from the Voidbringers and returning to Damnation between Desolations to be tortured. At Aharietam, Ishar speculated that as long as one of the heralds was in Damnation, the Oathpact would still hold, and along with eight of the other heralds, abandoned Talenel and went into hiding.[2]

In the Vorin tradition he is referred to as Ishi, and known as the Herald of Luck, or Binder of Gods. He is associated with the Divine Attributes of Pious and Guiding.

Ishar was the key guiding force behind the formation of the Knights Radiant, believing that laws and organization were necessary for humans controlling Surges lest they cause untold damage and destroy Roshar, just as they had destroyed their prior world.[3]

He was also the founder of the Oathpact.

Like all heralds, Ishar's name is commonly used as an expletive.[4]

The other heralds hold Ishar in particularly high esteem. Nale says that "he has always been the most wise of us," and Ash believes that Ishar will know how to cure Taln's madness.[5]


Herald of the Almighty

Ishar's history prior to becoming a Herald is unknown. After humanity began to lose its fight against Odium and his immortal Fused, Ishar and nine companions asked Honor for the ability to seal the Voidbringers on Braize. Honor agreed, the Oathpact was founded, and Ishar and his nine companions became Heralds of the Almighty and were given their Honorblades. Ishar was tortured with the rest of the Heralds between every Desolation until one of them broke. When that happened, Jezrien and the other Heralds returned to Roshar to guide humanity in the fight against the Voidbringers.

After humanity began to lose its fight against Odium's , Jezrien and nine companions asked Honor for the ability to seal the Voidbringers on Braize.[6] Honor agreed, the Oathpact was founded, and Jezrien and his nine companions became Heralds of the Almighty and were given their Honorblades. Jezrien was tortured with the rest of the Heralds between every Desolation until one of them broke. When that happened, Jezrien and the other Heralds returned to Roshar to guide humanity in the fight against the Voidbringers. As spren began to bond with humans and grant them surgebinding, Ishar founded the Knights Radiant and became the patron of the Bondsmiths, believing that laws and organization were necessary for humans to control surges, lest they cause untold damage and destroy Roshar, just as they had destroyed their previous world.

At Aharietiam, Ishar and the other Heralds save for Talenel, who was the only one who had returned to Damnation, decided that they could no longer withstand the torture they faced in between desolations. Ishar theorized that Talenel's presence in Damnation would be enough for the Oathpact to hold, and they agreed to permanently abandon their pledge, leaving Taln to suffer alone.


I... have seen Ishar. He curses me at night, even as he names himself a god. He seeks death. His own. Perhaps that of every man.

Stormfather's mention of Ishar to Dalinar [7]

Ishar's activities after Aharietiam are largely unknown. In the present day, however, he calls himself Tezim, and leads the Tukari people as their god-priest. He is currently waging war against the Emuli people for unknown reasons.

Nale has been in regular communication with Ishar in regards to current events.[8] It was at Ishar's behest that Nale began murdering surgebinders, believing this to be the only way to prevent a new desolation. Once the Everstorm arrived, Nale again sought out Ishar, after which he decided to abandon Honor and fight for the Parsh instead.[9]

Although Nale and Ash both believe that Ishar is the only Herald to have survived the Desolations with his mind intact, the Stormfather has said that Ishar is also insane, and seeks his own death and that of every man.


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