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Etnia Emuli
Capital Sesemalex Dar
Mundo Roshar

Emul was a kingdom on Roshar.

It split from Makabakam. It warred with Tukar over the city of Sesemalex Dar, the Emuli capital and center of trade.[1] The Emuli people were ethnically the same as the Azish, being Makabaki with dark hair and skin and a "smooth accent." [2]

Their legal system is very lenient toward foreigners. A man who is not of their nationality cannot own a home or shop, but when you visit, you are treated as a 'relative who has traveled from afar, to be shown all kindness and leniency.' A foreigner can take dinner at any residence he calls upon, assuming he is respectful and offers a gift of fruit. The people are most interested in exotic fruits. They worship Jezrien, though they don’t accept him as a figure from the Vorin religion. They name him the only god.

Baxil and Av were Emuli.[3] Baxil prayed to the Prime Kadasix[3]. This seemed to indicate that the Emuli name for the Ten Heralds was simply 'Kadasix'. A wealthy individual would display images of their personal Kadasix in their 'Hallowed Hall'. The only name given for a Kadasix was 'Epan, Lady of Dreams'[3]. It is unknown if the Almighty has any place in their theology. The Alethi referred to the Emuli religion as pagan, which indicates that it differed from Vorinism in fundamental ways,[1] additionally, Sigzil stated that both Emuli and Alethi considered each other to have splinter religions.


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