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¡Esta página o sección contiene spoilers de Danzante del Filo (novella)!
Esta información destripa elementos de la trama.  Ándese con ojo si no ha leido este libro.
Capacidades Surgebinding
Mundo natal Roshar

The Stump is a woman who runs the Tashi's Light Orphanage in Yeddaw. She is also a beginning radiant of currently unknown order.

Appearance and Personality

The Stump is an elderly woman who is very stern[1]. Many of the children in the orphanage don't like her and neither do most of the surrounding urchins[1].


She runs the orphanage and seems to have done so for sometime, and it is possible she even created it. She has an ongoing money laundering scheme run through the orphanage as donations [2].

She offers Lift three meals from the orphanage, and does provide her with three separate meals. She is also stabbed by Nale during his fight with Lift in an attempt to kill her[3].


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