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Helaran Davar
House Davar
Padres Lin, mother
Hermanos Balat, Wikim, Jushu, Shallan
Fallecido 1172 Ishi
Capacidades Portador de esquirlada
Nacionalidad de Jah Keved
Mundo natal Roshar

Helaran Davar is a Veden Shardbearer[1] on Roshar.

His siblings include Balat, Wikim, Jushu, and Shallan.

In one of Shallans flashback he is seen bringing her sketching tools as a present which he had ordered in from Northgrip.He is described as being tall and muscular with a square chin.Shallan thinks that at this point he is the only one of the Davar siblings to be a true man even though Balat had reached his age of majority.He also mentions having given Balat a new axehound pup, but that he was concerned by how he had treated the pup.[1]

After his last confrontation with his father he would visit unpredicatbly and always stay for only a short time.He would bring Shallan more drawing supplies whenever he did so but avoid his father completely.He would not tell anyone where he went to when he would disappear.[2]

Of all the Davar children, he knows the most about his father's secrets and plans and stands up to him the most. He has some connection to Wit, whom he asks to deliver the message that "he has eyes nearby and is watching." At hearing this, his father declares him disinherited.[3] He vanishes before Shallan's father's death, causing his father to proclaim him dead.[4] He is killed by Kaladin during a battle in Alethkar, and his Shards are stolen by Meridas Amaram[5][6][7][8].

Helarans grin was so wide, it practically glowed.It was hard to frown in a room where he was smiling ---

Shallans thoughts on her brother.[1]


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