Diez locos

Revisión del 22:05 11 sep 2020 de Big Smooth (discusión | contribs.) (Text replacement - "Ten Fools" to "ten fools")

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Diez locos
Mundo de origen Roshar
Universo de origen Cosmere

Kaladin felt like one of the ten fools. Actually, he felt like all of them. Ten times an idiot. But most specifically Eshu, who spoke of things he did not understand in front of those who did.

— Kaladin reflecting after prejudging Shallan[1]

The ten fools are legendary individuals of cultural significance on Roshar.

Cultural Use

The ten fools are invoked to describe someone who is very foolish.[2][3] Each fool is known for a specific foolish attribute, and has a representative glyph known to Vorin ardents.[4] Specific fools are often referenced in order to emphasize that particular foolish trait.[3] All of the characters who have mentioned the ten fools are Alethi or Veden, implying that the ten fools are not well known in modern Roshar outside of the Vorin religion.

Pai invokes the ten fools in a bold protest against Queen Aesudan Kholin and the Alethi government, and is executed for her actions.[4]


The fools represent the antitheses of the ideals of the ten Heralds.[5] The number of fools stems from the nature of Honor[6] and each fool corresponds to a specific Herald.[7] Unlike the Heralds, it is not yet known if the ten fools are based on historical individuals.

Known Fools

He acts like a child even though he is an adult.[2]
He speaks of things he does not understand in front of those who do.[1]
He ran up a hillside to the Tranquiline Halls with sand sliding beneath his feet—running for eternity, but never making progress.[8]


These quotes demonstrates how Rosharan referred to the ten fools.

We must have seemed of the ten fools, charging away like that. I do wish you'd given me more notice to prepare your honor guard. This is a war zone.

— Dalinar, to Elhokar, after climbing the rock.[9]

I apologize for wasting your time, Brightlord. You are correct; this is akin to the ten fools.

Teleb, concerning lighter bridges to Dalinar.[10]



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