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Relacionado con Listener
Mundo de origen Roshar
Universo de origen Cosmere

The Song of Listing is one of the songs detailing the oral history of the listeners on Roshar. It recounts many of the common forms that listeners were once able to take. It it not known to mention any of the "forms of power" granted by bonding a Voidspren, which are covered by other songs such as the Song of Secrets. The song has at least 91 stanzas, and Eshonai notes that the old songs recount "hundreds" of forms.[1]

The Song of Listing was presumably written by the Last Legion to ensure that they remembered these forms, as they were only able to use dullform and mateform after they abandoned their gods.[2]

Around 1166, a young Eshonai had not learned the song. Jaxlim had trouble reciting it due to her increasing problems with memory loss, and Venli tried to help her remember.[3]

By the time of the War of Reckoning, the Listeners had rediscovered nimbleform, warform, and workform after generations of research.[1][4] Scholars continued to research the secrets to unlocking other forms known from the song such as artform and mediationform.[2] With the advent of the True Desolation, the listeners regained access to forms that had been abandoned. The singers who had previously been enslaved as the parsh were given at least a dozen options of forms after they were freed, and use various forms including artform and scholarform.[4]


Mateform meek, for love to share,
Given to life, it brings us joy.
To find this form, one must care.
True empathy, one must employ.

—5th stanza[5]

Warform is worn for battle and reign,
Claimed by the gods, given to kill.
Unknown, unseen, but vital to gain.
It comes to those with the will.

—15th stanza[6]

Workform worn for strength and care.
Whispering spren breathe at your ear.
Seek first this form, its mysteries to bear.
Found here is freedom from fear.

—19th stanza[7]

Nimbleform has a delicate touch.
Gave the gods this form to many,
Tho' once defied, by the gods they were crushed.
This form craves precision and plenty.

—27th stanza[8]

Mediationform made for peace, it's said.
Form of teaching and consolation.
When used by the gods, it became instead
Form of lies and desolation.

—33rd stanza[9]

Scholarform shown for patience and thought.
Beware its ambitions innate.
Though study and diligence bring the reward,
Loss of innocence may be one's fate.

—69th stanza[10]

Artform applied for beauty and hue.
One yearns for the songs it creates.
Most misunderstood by the artist it's true,
Come the spren to foundation's fates.

—90th stanza[11]

Dullform dread, with the mind most lost.
The lowest, and one not bright.
To find this form, one needs banish cost.
It finds you and brings you to blight.

—final stanza[12]


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