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De La Coppermind
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Revisión del 02:20 8 dic 2012

The Day of Recreance was the final act of the Knights Radiant. They abandoned their Shardblades and left their duties. Why they did so is for now unknown.

In one of Dalinar's visions.

"They are the first," the Radiant said, turning to Dalinar.

Dalinar recognised the depth of that voice. It was the voice that always spoke to him in these visions. "They were the first, and they were also the last."
"Is this the Day of Recreance?" Dalinar asked.
"These events will go down in history," the Radiant said. "They will be infamous. You will have many names for what happened here."
"But why?" Dalinar asked. "Please. Why did they abandon their Duty?"
The figure seemed to study him. I have said that I cannot be of much help to you. The night of Sorrows will come, and the True Desolation. The Everstorm."
"Then answer my questions!" Dalinar said.
"Read the Book. Unite them."
"The Book? The Way of Kings?"
The figure turned and walked from him, joining the other Radiants as they crossed the stone plain, walking toward places unknown.

Dalinar's discussion with the recorded Jezrien at the Day of Recreance near Feverstone KeepError en la cita: Etiqueta <ref> no válida; las referencias sin nombre deben tener contenido


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Día de la Traición