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Nalthis closeup.jpg
Esquirlas Dotación
Investiduras Despertar
Sistema Sistema nalthiano
Universo Cosmere
Parece que esta página necesita actualizarse con nueva información de El ritmo de la guerra!
¡Ten cuidado! Es posible que en su estado, no contenga toda la información adicional todavía.

Nalthis es un planeta en el sistema nalthiano del Cosmere. La Esquirla Dotación vive aquí.[1] Está habitado por humanos y comprende diferentes estados, tales como Idris y Hallandren. Los habitantes de Nalthis se denominan nalthianos.

Una única luna, llamada Rrendos, orbita el planeta.[2][3]





Hay un mar interior en Nalthis en el que hay varias islas.[4] Las naciones con puertos al mar se benefician del comercio marítimo. Al menos un tercio de la costa está bajo el control de Hallandren, cuya capital T'Telir tiene salida al mar.[5] Esta zona sufre terremotos frecuentemente.[6]

Hallandren es único entre los lugares conocidos de Nalthis por ser el único lugar en el que las Lágrimas de Edgli pueden crecer, y también por ser el único con clima tropical.[7] El crecimiento de las plantas de la región se debe en parte a la Investidura, parecido a como sucede en la cuenca de Elendel.[8] Sus junglas se encuentran en un gran valle rodeado por las montañas y el mar.[7]

Idris queda al norte de Hallandren y controla el paso por las montañas, lo que es muy rentable debido al comercio.[9] También se encuentran en Idris las únicas minas de cobre conocidas en el planeta.[10] Más allá de estas montañas y lejos del alcance del mar interior hay algunas naciones más, con bastante población.

Flora y fauna

Nalthis tiene varias especies de palmeras, animales de sabana y las Lágrimas de Edgli. Los elefantes y las cebras son considerados criaturas exóticas "del sur". No se sabe si esto significa que vienen del sur de Hallandren o de alguna región más al sur.[11]


Historia temprana y mitología

Puede que te preguntes por qué nos remontamos tan atrás. ¿No debería hablar de la Multiguerra, de la ruptura de los reinos, de los Cinco Sabios, de Kalad el Usurpador y su ejército fantasma [...]? Ésos son los hechos en que nos centramos, los que los hombres conocen mejor. Sin embargo, hablar sólo de ellos es ignorar la historia de los trescientos años que los preceden.

Hoid acerca de la historia de Nalthis[7]

No se sabe cuándo se originó Nalthis, pero no es lo suficientemente antiguo como para que se hayan formado fósiles.[12] Dotación se asentó en el sistema nalthiano, y es desde entonces la única Esquirla en el sistema.[13] Se desconoce el momento exacto en que los humanos llegaron a Nalthis,[14] pero trajeron consigo mitos sobre dragones.[15] Una perpendicularidad se formó en el mundo, y cerca de ella comenzaron a crecer las Lágrimas de Edgli.[16]

Durante la primera época la nación de Chedesh dominaba el mundo, y sus navegantes llegaron hasta la zona que más tarde se convertiría en Hallandren. Dicha región ya estaba habitada por los Pahn Kahl, pero no fueron considerados una nación "de verdad". Durante su estancia allí, los chedenos descubrieron las Lágirmas de Edgli por primera vez. Explorando este nuevo contiente, continuaron hacia el norte y durante el viaje uno de los tripulantes murió y se convirtió en el primer Retornado. Recordado como el "Primer Retornado", Vo anunció las Cinco Visiones y murió una semana más tarde. Los hombres del barco recibieron su mensaje y fundaron el reino de Hanald. Eligieron a la esposa de Vo como primera monarca, comenzando así el linaje real de Idris. Este nuevo reino hizo rápidamente una gran riqueza debido a las Lágrimas de Edgli, y su monopolio sobre los tintes les permitió convertirse en una poderosa fuerza económica.[7]

Durante la mayor parte de su historia los habitantes del planeta no sabían de la existencia del arte del despertar. La muerte de Vo ayudó a que se iniciara la exploración en este arte, que fue descubierto unos cuatro siglos antes de los eventos de la rebelión Pahn Kahl.[7]

The Manywar

Prelude to the Manywar

Austrism was the predominant religion of Hanald when it was founded, and the Idrian royal family itself followed it.[17] At the same time the Cult of the Returned formed and began to worship the Returned, believing that each individual had been sent from Austre in order to fulfill a mission. They were the individuals who discovered, maintained, and named Warbreaker the Peaceful[18] and Glorysinger.[19]

Three hundred years after the arrival of Vo,[7] these Returned would be renamed as Talaxin and Shashara respectively and joined with other Returned[20] Arsteel, Yesteel, and VaraTreledees to form the Five Scholars. The years preceding the Manywar were ones of quick discovery about Awakening led by the Scholars.[7] Beyond this, some of them became worldhoppers.[21] Their discoveries about Awakening and their exploration of the cosmere cemented the legacy of these Nalthians as early scholars of the cosmere by those at Silverlight.[22]

Tensions between Hanald and its neighbors began to grow due to a wide variety of factors, including Hanald's ready supply of dyes and the discovery of how to Awaken Lifeless with a single Breath instead of fifty.[7] In addition to this doubling the size of many armies, the use of ichor-alcohol made the already durable Lifeless even stronger and longer lasting.[18] The situation worsened even more when Shashara revealed both secrets to the entire world, allowing every nation to benefit.[23]

I get out of hand, Vasher? Me? When's the last time I started a war? Slaughtered tens of thousands?

Denth to Vasher about his past[23]

The Events of the Manywar

Despite the increase in tensions, however, the Manywar was not properly triggered by any one of these factors. Instead, a Returned had a vision about an upcoming war and told Talaxin about it,[7] who in turn spread the news to those in the nation of Hanald. The Idrian monarchy refused to begin a preemptive war against their neighbors, so Talaxin sparked a rebellion against them and deposed their government.[17][24] Talaxin rose to power as Kalad the Usurper and ordered preemptive strikes against the kingdoms of Kuth and Huth to the north of Hanald.[7]

In response to this, several nations joined Kuth and Huth to form a coalition known as the Pahn Unity in order to oppose Hanald.[18] The Five Scholars broke up, taking different sides in the war.[7]

I wanted to stop it. But by the time I realized what was happening, it had gone too far. It had taken on a life of its own.

—Vasher on the Manywar[25]

As the first real conflict where Awakening and the Lifeless were put to actual use on the battlefield, the war was one of Nalthis' most deadly conflicts.[26][23] As the war waged, more advancements were made in the art of creating Lifeless and other Awakened objects; this made the fighting worse and worse. During this time period, Kalad also created his infamous Phantoms.[7]

Shortly afterwards Kalad and Shashara decided to attempt to create a Shardblade, which they had seen on Roshar, using Awakening. After a period of research, the pair created the sword known as Nightblood.[27][28][29] The first battle that Nightblood was used in was the Battle of Twilight Falls, where he was wielded by Shashara. The battle served as the conclusion of the Manywar.[30] Kalad was horrified by the loss of life caused by Nightblood; because Shashara obstinately wanted to reveal the secret of the Nightblood's creation to the nations, Kalad felt he had no choice but to kill her.[19][23]

It's odd, what history does to a man. I guess people couldn't understand why I suddenly changed. Why I stopped fighting and why I brought the Phantoms back to seize control of my own kingdom. So they decided I must have been two people.

Vasher about his past[18]

Resolution of the Manywar

According to legend Kalad, called Peacegiver at that point of his life, ended the war with negotiation, but in actuality threatening to use his Phantoms played a role.[25][18] By the time the war ended, the nations of Huth and Kuth were already destroyed. Peacegiver founded the nation of Hallandren and began the lineage of the God Kings by granting them political power in the kingdom.[7] They also began to hand down his gift of Breaths to each subsequent God King.[25][17] The Cult of the Returned, now the Iridescent Tones,[18] took full power and began to manage the Court of Gods. Peacegiver dispersed his phantoms throughout the city secretly as the D'Denir Celabrin, hiding them in plain sight.[25]

The Idrian royal family did not return to Hallandren but instead remained in exile to the mountains of the north, where they formed the nation of Idris.[7] Austrism turned its back on Awakening and began to consider it an abomination, also dismissing the worship of Returned as "pagan" beliefs.[17][31][32] The nation of Tedradel would continue to have an antagonistic relationship with Hallandren from that time.[33]

After the Manywar

Your people are in a state of rebellion against the rest of the kingdom.

Treledees to Siri[10]

In the three hundred years following the Manywar, the kingdom of Hallandren prospered under its new government, although over time corruption seeped in.[7][34] Relations between Hallandren and Idris worsened over the years, as the northern passes Idris had control over were very tempting targets for Hallandren. The region was viewed as a rebellious province by the Court of Gods and not a true nation.[33] Despite this, Idris remained powerful, with many allies north of the mountains.[35] In order to try and maintain good relations, King Dedelin negotiated a treaty whereby his eldest daughter would be sent to the Court once she was of age in order to introduce the royal bloodline to the God Kings and further legitimize their authority. This was accepted by the Court.[33]

Over the centuries the control and subjugation of the Pahn Kahl people grew worse. Their oppression over time reached the stage in which many presumed its unique culture was extinct and thought that they also worshiped the Returned.[36][37] As the years went on, its people grew tired of their position in Hallandren society and the few lowly jobs they were offered.[38][39] Talks of a rebellion began to spread, and the Pahn Kahl began passing on their positions to other Pahn Kahl citizens in order to maintain their control in the Court of Gods.[40] A Pahn Kahl named Bluefingers began to set in motion a plan to overthrow the Hallandren government. His hope was to incite a war between Hallandren and Idris and use the resulting chaos to allow Pahn Kahl to rise up in society.[41]

The Pahn Kahl Rebellion

Vahr's Rebellion

Another Pahn Kahl, Vahr, prematurely began his own rebellion against Hallandren. He had spent a decade getting the contacts needed for it[42][43] and had persuaded his fellow workers to grant him their Breaths so that he could grow in power.[44] Along the way, Vahr received help from other nations worried about Hallandren,[43] including Idris,[45] and various crime lords in T'Telir.[42]

Vasher stealing Vahr's Breath before killing him

Fearing this rebellion would draw too much attention to his own efforts, Bluefingers leaked Vahr's location to the Hallandren authorities and had him arrested.[46] Without his leadership, the rebellion fell apart.[47] The Kingdom of Idris had hoped that this rebellion would take attention away from them for a time; instead, they found even more focus was put on them than ever before as Hallandren grew paranoid about its potential enemies. In order to stave off a potential war, King Dedelin moved to fulfill his contract with Susebron. However, he hesitated to send Vivenna and ended up sending Siri in her place.[33] Vasher took advantage of Vahr's arrest by persuading Vahr to grant him his Breaths so that Hallandren would not gain them. He killed Vahr in return for the gift.[48]

Bluefingers' Manipulation

By this time VaraTreledees had renamed himself Denth and began working for Bluefingers to help cause the war.[49] He corrupted Lemex, an Idrian spy,[50] and went to meet Vivenna, who went to T'Telir after her sister, in his place. He and his crew managed to gain her trust. Convincing her that he was on his side, Denth managed to kidnap her without her realizing it.[51]

You should watch yourself, child.

Not all here in the palace is as it seems.

Siri's arrival at the Court of Gods created a different set of worries. It was speculated by some that the last-second swap may have been planned from the start and that deferring to the Idrian monarchy actually undermined their authority rather than strengthened it.[24][53] It was Bluefingers' original plan to use Siri to persuade the Idrians within the city that a rebellion was needed, but he changed his plans once he learned that Denth had kidnapped Vivenna and was using her to do the same thing. He decided it was best to kill Siri instead to further anger the Idrians.[49]

While pretending to entertain Vivenna's plans to prevent the war, Denth in actuality undermined or canceled her plans when she wasn't paying attention and instead did what he could to worsen the situation and support his preexisting plans.[54][55][47] Denth's efforts ultimately fell apart when he was forced to kill a friend of Vivenna's and she discovered his corpse as well as the bodies of the soldiers sent by her father.[56][57] She quickly worked out their true intentions and escaped the crew.[57]

When this is through, Princess, Idris will fight until either it or Hallandren is destroyed.

The Rebellion

Vivenna was saved by Vasher, who discovered how she had been tricked by Denth. Together, they both did what they could to prevent the war by talking to the Idrians[50] and rescuing the child of a head priest that Denth had kidnapped as blackmail.[58] Their efforts were not enough, however, and the push for war was still taking place.[59] The priests feared that the vote would come to pass and went to protect Siri from a potential riot.[60][59] Seeing the unexpected vote of Lightsong and the sudden increased security for Siri, Bluefingers panicked and moved to cause the rebellion that day.[60]

Vasher using Awakening

He immediately sent his mercenaries to go and kill the guards outside of Siri's door and replace them.[61] At the same time, he had Denth go and capture Vasher, who had just broken into the God King's palace in the hopes of preventing the war.[62][23] During the growing conflict, the rebels managed to kill Blushweaver, capture the God King, get all of the Lifeless Commands, and order the army to go attack and kill the Idrians.[23] The priesthood saved Siri and Susebron from the conflict and sent them to Bluefingers for their evacuation.[63][39]

Lightsong used his divine Breath to return Susebron's tongue to him; with full access to his Breath, Susebron quickly turned the tide of the battle, saved Siri, and apprehended Bluefingers.[38][41] In the immediate aftermath, Vasher revealed himself as Peacegiver to the public and granted Susebron full control of the D'Denir Celabrin so that they could go destroy the Lifeless armies and prevent a slaughter in Idris.[25]

After the Rebellion

Following the death of Denth, his crew went to make contact with Yesteel, who resided in one of the kingdoms north of the mountains.[64] Yesteel himself became intent on re-forging the kingdoms of Huth and Kuth; hearing of this, Vasher and Vivenna decided to go north to stop him.[64][18]


The Shard Endowment has been confirmed to be present on Nalthis.[1] This has had the effect that every human born on Nalthis is born with one Breath, the source of energy for Awakening and Returning. Endowment is related to the flowers which grow around T'Telir, the capital city of Hallandren.[65] Endowment has been known to revive recently deceased people, awarding them a single Divine Breath under the requirement that they consume a normal Breath once a week to stay alive. It is believed, and confirmed for at least three Returned,[41][66][67] that all Returned come back to fulfill some divine goal. It is unknown what Endowment's purpose is, or how long she has been doing this.



  1. a b Barnes and Noble Book Club Q&A
    Arcanum - 2009-07-08#
  2. Mapa de Nalthian system
  3. El aliento de los dioses capítulo 47#
  4. Warbreaker Annotations
    Arcanum - 2011-03-01#
  5. El aliento de los dioses capítulo 9#
  6. /r/books AMA 2015
    Arcanum - 2015-06-18#
  7. a b c d e f g h i j k l m n o El aliento de los dioses capítulo 32#
  8. SpoCon 2013
    Arcanum - 2013-07-10#
  9. El aliento de los dioses capítulo 5#
  10. a b El aliento de los dioses capítulo 16#
  11. El aliento de los dioses capítulo 27#
  12. El ritmo de la guerra capítulo 15#
  13. 17th Shard Forum Q&A
    Arcanum - 2012-09-26#
  14. 17th Shard Forum Q&A
    Arcanum - 2012-09-25#
  15. a b General Twitter 2016
    Arcanum - 2016-08-12#
  16. YouTube Livestream 3
    Arcanum - 2020-01-25#
  17. a b c d El aliento de los dioses capítulo 15#
  18. a b c d e f g El aliento de los dioses epílogo#
  19. a b Warbreaker Annotations
    Arcanum - 2010-11-16#
  20. Barnes and Noble Book Club Q&A
    Arcanum - 2009-07-08#
  21. Arcanum Unbounded release party
    Arcanum - 2016-11-22#
  22. Arcanum Unbounded Chicago signing
    Arcanum - 2016-12-06#
  23. a b c d e f El aliento de los dioses capítulo 53#
  24. a b El aliento de los dioses capítulo 7#
  25. a b c d e El aliento de los dioses capítulo 58#
  26. Warbreaker Annotations
    Arcanum - 2011-04-25#
  27. Shadows of Self San Francisco signing
    Arcanum - 2015-10-09#
  28. Holiday signing
    Arcanum - 2015-12-12#
  29. San Diego Comic-Con 2015
    Arcanum - 2015-07-09#
  30. El aliento de los dioses capítulo 26#
  31. El aliento de los dioses capítulo 46#
  32. El aliento de los dioses capítulo 25#
  33. a b c d El aliento de los dioses capítulo 1#
  34. Goodreads Fantasy Book Discussion Warbreaker Q&A
    Arcanum - 2010-01-18#
  35. Warbreaker Annotations
    Arcanum - 2011-06-22#
  36. El aliento de los dioses capítulo 14#
  37. Warbreaker Annotations
    Arcanum - 2010-11-23#
  38. a b El aliento de los dioses capítulo 55#
  39. a b El aliento de los dioses capítulo 54#
  40. Warbreaker Annotations
    Arcanum - 2011-05-23#
  41. a b c d El aliento de los dioses capítulo 57#
  42. a b El aliento de los dioses capítulo 31#
  43. a b Warbreaker Annotations
    Arcanum - 2010-07-13#
  44. Q&A with Brandon Sanderson
    Arcanum - 2011-01-10#
  45. El aliento de los dioses capítulo 17#
  46. Warbreaker Annotations
    Arcanum - 2010-12-14#
  47. a b El aliento de los dioses capítulo 19#
  48. El aliento de los dioses prólogo#
  49. a b Warbreaker Annotations
    Arcanum - 2010-09-07#
  50. a b El aliento de los dioses capítulo 43#
  51. El aliento de los dioses capítulo 10#
  52. El aliento de los dioses capítulo 11#
  53. El aliento de los dioses capítulo 12#
  54. Warbreaker Annotations
    Arcanum - 2010-11-28#
  55. Warbreaker Annotations
    Arcanum - 2010-10-12#
  56. Warbreaker Annotations
    Arcanum - 2010-12-22#
  57. a b El aliento de los dioses capítulo 35#
  58. El aliento de los dioses capítulo 49#
  59. a b El aliento de los dioses capítulo 50#
  60. a b Warbreaker Annotations
    Arcanum - 2011-04-20#
  61. Warbreaker Annotations
    Arcanum - 2011-04-25#
  62. El aliento de los dioses capítulo 51#
  63. Warbreaker Annotations
    Arcanum - 2011-06-07#
  64. a b Warbreaker Annotations
    Arcanum - 2011-03-21#
  65. Ancient 17S Q&A
    Arcanum - 2010-05-01#
  66. Warbreaker Annotations
    Arcanum - 2011-03-21#
  67. Warbreaker Annotations
    Arcanum - 2011-07-25#
  68. JordanCon 2021
    Arcanum - 2021-07-16#
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