
De La Coppermind
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Región Sea of Lost Lights
Mundo Shadesmar
¡Esta página o sección contiene spoilers de Juramentada!
Esta información destripa elementos de la trama.  Ándese con ojo si no ha leido este libro.

Celebrant is a city in the Sea of Lost Lights.[1]


Celebrant is a major Trading port in the area and one of very few trading ports in the area.


Celebrant appears to be a melting pot of Spren with many different kinds of intelligent Spren living within the city. Many of the cities inhabitants are Lightspren. The makeup of the city is similar to the makeup of a human city, with a market and docks with Spren filling the essential functions those places would require. [Falta cita]


It is unknown who historically have been in charge of Celebrant, described as a city state during the events of Oathbringer Celebrant is under the control of the Fused and Voidspren.

It is located on the imprint left in Shadesmar of the Sea of Spears.[2]


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