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Etnia Azish
Capital Azimir
Mundo Roshar

Azir is a kingdom in south-west Roshar.[1] Its capital is Azimir,[1] and people who are from Azir are called Azish. Kaladin is not sure what the language of the Azish peoples is.[2]


During the Silver Kingdoms era, it was part of Makabakam.[3] Azir is the largest such nation that was formerly Makabakam, and Azir bordered Yulay, Desh, Yezier, and Emul.[1]

Azir is suggested to be warmer than Alethkar, but cooler than Iri.[4]It was even known as far as Azir that if you were sick, Taravangian of Kharbranth would take you in.[5]

Physiology and Characteristics

Azish people are described as being short and dark-skinned, deep brown, but not true black like some parshmen.[6][7][2] Not all dark-skinned peoples are Azish, however.[7] The Azish people have a smooth accent, like the Emuli.[8]

Flora and Fauna

Azir have a legend about truthberry jam, an Azish fruit, which says that those who consume the berries speak only the truth until the next sunset. The berries themselves are harmless, but the leaves and stalks of truthberry plants can be burned, which makes people intoxicated and euphoric. Shallan Davar remarks to Kabsal that they should be called birthberries.[9]

Azish People


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