
De La Coppermind
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Padres Alalan
Residencia Urithiru
Mundo natal Roshar
Universo Cosmere
¡Esta página o sección contiene spoilers de El ritmo de la guerra!
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¡Ten cuidado! Es posible que en su estado, no contenga toda la información adicional todavía.

Appearance and Personality

Adin is a thirteen-year-old darkeyed boy. He is very brave, risking his life in the fight to escape Urithiru. He hopes that his bravery will attract an honorspren and allow him to join the Windrunners. This belief caused him to glare at passing Regals during the occupation of Urithiru, though not when they were watching. He is relieved when he can walk without a limp after hurting his ankle, as he believes that a sign of weakness might scare off a potential radiant bond.


He is a resident of Urithiru, working as the son of a potter named Alalan, though the bowls he makes are often lopsided. Sometime before Raboniel's invasion of the tower, he falls down the stairs while pretending to be a Windrunner, after which Kaladin bandages his ankle.[1] During the occupation of Urithiru, Kaladin saves his life with his Shardplate.[2]


Adin's Father

When Adin's father catches Adin glaring at the Regals, he warns him to keep his eyes down, lest he is caught and killed. Adin views his father as extremely brave for tending the fallen radiants directly beneath the gaze of the Fused.[2]


Adin respects and reveres Kaladin, viewing him with a sense of awe. He is embarrassed that he missed seeing Kaladin fight for the well node, an event that he missed while napping.[2]


Shar is a fellow resident of Urithiru which Adin doesn't particularly like. He thinks that she is bossy enough that you would think she was lighteyed. Her uncle is a Windrunner. When Adin catches her glaring at Regals he thinks that she is trying to attract her own honorspren.[2]


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