Rod (Roshar)

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Lopen's family
Parientes Lopen
Fallecido Ishi 1173, Battle of Narak[1]
Grupo Bridge Four, Ejército de Kholin
Nacionalidad de Herdaz
Mundo natal Roshar
Universo Cosmere

Rod is a member of Bridge Four in the Kholin army on Roshar.

Appearance and Personality

He is one of Lopen's many Herdazian cousins.[2] He is beefy, with thick arms.[2] He does not speak much Alethi, but still comes across as jovial.[1]


Rod and another cousin, Huio, joined the Bridge Four crew after its relocation to the Kholin warcamp.[2] It is unclear if Rod had been serving in another Highprince's army before joining Bridge Four. He was presumably among the cousins that had some difficulty carrying a bridge on their first training run.[3]

He was killed by the Parshendi during the Battle of Narak.[1]

Although Kaladin barely knew Rod, he felt a responsibility to protect him. Rod was one of the many people that Kaladin remembered while he was attempting to say the Fourth Ideal of the Windrunners.[4]

A significant portion of Lopen, Huio, and Punio's stipends as Radiants go to Rod's family, in accordance with Herdazian cultural norms of caring for poorer cousins.[5]


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