Gema corazón

De La Coppermind
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Gema corazón
Mundo de origen Roshar
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A gemheart is a large gemstone found in the Greatshells of Roshar, along with the Fused.

It was found in the bodies of Chasmfiends and other large chull-like animals called Greatshells.[1] The bigger the animal, the bigger the stone. Those found in Chasmfiends were worth a small fortune.[2] Dalinar Kholin stated that the ones found in Chasmfiends were the largest gemhearts he had ever seen.

The discovery of Chasmfiends containing such valuable gemhearts completely altered the War of Reckoning. Attempting to directly attack the Parshendi base, located far into the Shattered Plains, was risky and expensive. However, when Chasmfiends climbed onto a plateau to pupate, the highprinces and Parshendi alike would extend themselves to attempt to retrieve its gemheart. The highprinces all agreed that these periodic clashes suitably upheld the Vengeance Pact, and the War of Reckoning effectively devolved into little more than a decade-long competition.

During the War of Reckoning, Highprince Roion was the one who captured the least gemhearts.

The hunting for chasmfiends to gain gemhearts will harm Roshar's ecology in the long run.[3]

When Kaladin removed Meridas Amaram's Shardplate, he found a glowing gemheart inside his chest cavity.[4][En debate]

Plantilla:Gumfrems, a chull-like animal, were raised and harvested for their small gemhearts by some farmers in Plantilla:Alethkar.[5]

Known Creatures With Gemhearts


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