Corredor del Viento de Lluvia de Estrellas

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Corredor del Viento de Lluvia de Estrellas
Mundo natal Roshar

Harkaylain was a Knight Radiant who appeared in Dalinar's twelfth vision.Error en la cita: Etiqueta <ref> no válida; las referencias sin nombre deben tener contenido


Harkaylein wore a Plate that glowed with blue light and had glyphs etched into the metal which trailed blue vapor. He was from the Order of the Windrunners. Harkaylein had dark brown skin and short black hair. His eyes were of a bright blue, almost white.


Harkaylain and his female companion rescued Dalinar's embodiment Heb and his family from the attacking Midnight Essences. After the fight Harkaylain was impressed by Heb's (that means: Dalinar's) fighting abilities though he found them strange. He proposed Dalinar to come to Urithiru for achieving further abilities and probably become a Knight Radiant.


Harkaylain could fly. When Dalinar first got sight of him, he only saw a bright blue light falling from the sky, unfolding itself and becoming Harkaylain who immediately got attacked by the Midnight Essences. After the fight Dalinar found Harkaylain without helmet not knowing when Harkaylain might have put it off or where it was gone. When Heb and his family were save Harkaylain turned toward the nearest village, feeling his help was needed there too, and then launched into the air heading for this village.


spread the word. ... A Desolation is coming.


The female Knight repeated this announcement, too.

Harkaylain says the Desolation is close, and he is not often wrong.

—The female Knight


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