Ciudad Thaylen

De La Coppermind
Revisión del 23:00 13 dic 2017 de Arook (discusión | contribs.) (Updated with better map but unsure of actual artist)
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Ciudad Thaylen
por ERROR: Shared File page 'File:OB MAP-THAYLEN-CITY.jpg ' does not exist
Nación Thaylenah
Mundo Roshar
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Thaylen City is a city in Thaylenah. Kabsal uses it in evidence to Shallan about the existence of the Almighty.[1][2]

The Wards

Thaylen City is divided into different Wards. They are:

  • The Ancient Ward in the middle of the city. This is the portion of the city represented in Kabsal's Cymatics.
  • The North Ward and the South Ward, bordered the Ancient Ward in their respective directions.
  • The Royal Ward on the east side, location of the Heralds' Temples, the Royal Palace, and Thaylen City's Oathgate.
  • The Loft Wards, stretching the length of the city between the Royal Ward and the Wards to the west.
  • The Low Ward, along the city's wall on the western side.

Beyond the city wall there were markets and docks before the Everstorm came and destroyed them and Thaylen City's infrastructure.


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