El ritmo de la guerra (in-world)

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Rhythm of War
Autor Navani and Raboniel
Creado en True Desolation
Mundo de origen Roshar
Universo Cosmere

Rhythm of War is the name Navani and Raboniel chose to give their shared notebook, which they maintained while experimenting with the different Lights of Roshar.[1] It was symbolically named after the Rhythm of War, as they meant it to be a symbol of Honor and Odium working together, if only for a short time.[1] Raboniel had a copy of this book made for Navani, while the original was sent to Kholinar, saying that the discoveries made there will give both sides the tools to finally end the war.[2]

The Fused scholar of human art forms, El, later uses this to replicate their work and kills Lezian permanently to test it out.Plantilla:Bbok ref


Page 1

I find this format most comfortable, as it is how I’ve collaborated in the past. I have never done it in this way, and with this kind of partner.

—Page 1[3]

I approach this project with an equal mixture of trepidation and hope. And I know not which should rule.

—Page 1[4]

I approach this project with inspiration renewed; the answers are all that should matter.

—Page 1, undertext[5]

Page 3

In my fevered state, I worry I’m unable to focus on what is important.

—Page 3[6]

"When in such a state, detachment is enviable. I have learned that my greatest discoveries come when I abandon lesser connections."

—Page 3, undertext[7]

Page 5

This song—this tone, this rhythm—sounds so familiar, in ways I cannot explain or express.

—Page 5[8]

I am led to wonder, from experiences such as this, if we have been wrong. We call humans alien to Roshar, yet they have lived here for thousands of years now. Perhaps it is time to acknowledge there are no aliens or interlopers. Only cousins.

—Page 5, undertext[9]

Page 6

It would have been so easy if Voidlight and Stormlight destroyed one another. Such a simple answer.

—Page 6[10]

We must not let our desires for a specific result cloud our perceptions.

—Page 6, undertext[11]

But how can we not, in searching, wish for a specific result? What scientist goes into a project without a hope for what they will find?

—Page 6, undertext[12]

I find this experience so odd. I work with a scholar from the ancient days, before modern scientific theory was developed. I keep forgetting all the thousands of years of tradition you completely missed.

—Page 6, undertext[13]

Page 10

This point regarding the Rhythm of War’s emotional influence will be of particular interest to El.

—Page 10[14]

Who is this person? You used no title, so I assume they are not a Fused. Who, then, is El?

—Page 10, undertext[15]

Page 13

In other circumstances, I would be fascinated by this sand to the point of abandoning all other rational pursuits. What is it? Where did it come from?

—Page 13[16]

I am told that it is not the sand itself, but something that grows upon it, that exhibits the strange properties. One can make more, with proper materials and a seed of the original.

—Page 13, undertext[17]

The sand originated offworld. It is only one of such amazing wonders that come from other lands—I have recently obtained a chain from the lands of the dead, said to be able to anchor a person through Cognitive anomalies. I fail to see what use it could be to me, as I am unable to leave the Rosharan system. But it is a priceless object nonetheless.

—Page 13, undertext[18]

Page 21

As we dig further into this project, I am left questioning the very nature of God. How can a God exist in all things, yet have a substance that can be destroyed?

—Page 21[19]

I am not convinced any of the gods can be destroyed, so perhaps I misspoke. They can change state however, like a spren—or like the various Lights. This is what we seek.

—Page 21, undertext[20]

Page 27

Do not mourn for what has happened. This notebook was a dream we shared, which is itself a beautiful thing. Proof of the truth of my intent, even if the project was ultimately doomed.

—Page 27[21]

I leave you now to your own company.

—Page 27[22]

Final page

Opposites. Opposites of sounds. Sound has no opposite. It’s merely overlapped vibration, the same sound, but sound has meaning. This sound does, at least. These sounds. The voices of gods.

—Final page[23]

Voice of Lights. Voice for Lights. If I speak for the Lights, then I must express their desires. If Light is Investiture, and all Investiture is deity, and deity has Intent, then Light must have Intent.

—Page [24]

Intent matters. Intent is king. You cannot do what I attempt by accident. You must mean it. This seems a much greater law than we’ve ever before understood.

—Final page[25]



  1. a b El ritmo de la guerra capítulo 89#
  2. El ritmo de la guerra capítulo 106#
  3. El ritmo de la guerra capítulo 44 Epígrafe#
  4. El ritmo de la guerra capítulo 46 Epígrafe#
  5. El ritmo de la guerra capítulo 47 Epígrafe#
  6. El ritmo de la guerra capítulo 49 Epígrafe#
  7. El ritmo de la guerra capítulo 50 Epígrafe#
  8. El ritmo de la guerra capítulo 51 Epígrafe#
  9. El ritmo de la guerra capítulo 53 Epígrafe#
  10. El ritmo de la guerra capítulo 54 Epígrafe#
  11. El ritmo de la guerra capítulo 55 Epígrafe#
  12. El ritmo de la guerra capítulo 56 Epígrafe#
  13. El ritmo de la guerra capítulo 58 Epígrafe#
  14. El ritmo de la guerra capítulo 59 Epígrafe#
  15. El ritmo de la guerra capítulo 60 Epígrafe#
  16. El ritmo de la guerra capítulo 61 Epígrafe#
  17. El ritmo de la guerra capítulo 63 Epígrafe#
  18. El ritmo de la guerra capítulo 64 Epígrafe#
  19. El ritmo de la guerra capítulo 65 Epígrafe#
  20. El ritmo de la guerra capítulo 66 Epígrafe#
  21. El ritmo de la guerra capítulo 67 Epígrafe#
  22. El ritmo de la guerra capítulo 69 Epígrafe#
  23. El ritmo de la guerra capítulo 70 Epígrafe#
  24. El ritmo de la guerra capítulo 71 Epígrafe#
  25. El ritmo de la guerra capítulo 72 Epígrafe#
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