
De La Coppermind
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Especie Cantor
Nacionalidad de Thaylenah
Mundo natal Roshar
Universo Cosmere

I just wish I knew who we were.

— Vldgen[1]

Vldgen is a femalen singer from Thaylenah on Roshar. She is a former parshwoman who awakened with the coming of the Everstorm.[1]

Appearance and Personality

Vldgen is relatively pacifistic, although she is willing to fight for her species. She is curious about the origin of the singers.[1]

Attributes and Abilities

Like most of the parsh population, Vldgen took on several traits common to the humans of her homeland when her mind was freed. In her case, that means she can speak Thaylen and has the skills of a sailor.[1]


Venli overheard Vldgen talking to a fellow Thaylen singer about the events of the True Desolation as they prepared a ship. Vldgen believed that it was wrong to try to kill the humans, unless they attacked first. She thought that the singers should simply enjoy having their minds back, although she did wonder about their past. Timbre seemed to approve of this attitude. Hearing Vldgen helped Venli decide how she wanted to help her people; she approached the pair and began to tell them of their past and the listeners.[1]


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Big Smooth (talk) 21:26, 1 September 2020 (UTC)

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