
De La Coppermind
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Capacidades Nahel bond, Willshaper magic, Astilla
Vinculado con Venli
Especie Alcanzador
Mundo natal Roshar
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Timbre is a spren who appears in the physical realm as a ball of light.[1] Timbre had started to form a Nahel Bond with Eshonai prior to her death. Venli first encounters the spren after discovering Eshonai's corpse and instinctively hides it from the Fused.[2] Though initially hesitant with forming a bond with the spren, believing that the better sister to bond with had died, Venli starts interacting with her more after she shows she is able to communicate through listener songs and names it Timbre. After witnessing the confrontation between Dalinar Kholin and Odium at the Battle of Thaylen Field, Venli states the first Ideal of the Knights Radiant and begins the process of becoming a Knight Radiant.[3]

Timbre has shown the ability to reside within Venli's gemheart and capture other spren residing there.[3] Doing so allows Venli to enter and exit forms of power granted by voidspren at will.[4] It is unclear by what means Timbre does so. It is very likely that Timbre is of the spren associated with the Order of Willshapers.[Falta cita]

Esta página o sección usa información basada en teorías y especulaciones
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Timbre is possibly a Lightspren and the daughter of Ico. This can be surmised from Venli, in conversation with Timbre, learning that Timbre's grandfather was a spren killed by the Recreance,[4] just like Ico's father was, and by the fact that Ico remarks upon his daughter abandoning her employment at the moneychangers' in Celebrant "to chase foolish dreams".[5]


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