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Capacidades Vínculo Nahel, magia de Tejedor de Luz, Astilla
Vinculado con Berila
Especie Crípticos
Mundo natal Roshar
Universo Cosmere

Ornament is a Cryptic on Roshar bonded to Beryl.[1]

Appearance and Personality

Ornament has a delicate and lacelike head pattern. She has a squeaky voice.[1] She has a smooth gliding movement similar to other Cryptics. This is in contrast to Pattern, who has a bouncy movement.[2][3]

In the Physical Realm, Ornament usually rides on the inside of Beryl's shirt near her skin, as she does not like being seen.[4] She likes to watch Shallan draw along with other Cryptics. She makes excited noises and bounces up and down while doing so.[1]

Like other Cryptics, Ornament has trouble understanding nuances of human speech and takes things more literally than intended. She has a limited Alethi vocabulary and does not understand the word 'Nitwit'.[1]


Ornament was with Beryl on the journey to Lasting Integrity. She had a conversation with Shallan and other Cryptics.[1] When Shallan suspected Beryl was a spy for Ghostbloods, she talked with Ornament to try to get information about Beryl. However Shallan was unable to get any useful information out of Ornament.[5]


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