
De La Coppermind
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Mundo natal Roshar
Universo Cosmere

Lady Nananav is the current owner of Rockfall in Kholinar.[1] She is known for her extremely difficult manner. Shallan Davar impersonates her while stealing food to give to the poor and to attract the Cult of Moments.

Appearance and Personality

Nananav is a middle aged Alethi woman with a bun of hair almost as tall as she was.[1] She is a very arrogant and talkative person who is very difficult to deal with. When the Everstorm hits Kholinar and damages her rugs, Nananav is very particular about the way they are repaired, claiming they were woven by a blind Shin man and that they're one of a kind, and that she won't have them returned even a shade off the original coloring.[1] She is very particular about items being stolen, even if said items are scraps of food.


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