
Revisión del 13:34 14 mar 2018 de Gancho Libre (discusión | contribs.) (adding to page)

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Voidspren are spren that, instead of being connected to either Honor or Cultivation, are under Odium's control. They are similar to other types of spren in many ways, such as their ability to bond with things in the Physical Realm and their various shapes and habits. However, these spren fight on the opposite side of the Desolations, aiding Odium's goal to destroy the Rosharans and ultimately earn his freedom from Braize. Once entrapped by the Oathpact, the voidspren would torture the present Heralds in an attempt to get them to bend the bars of Damnation and release them back to Roshar.


Like the other types of bonding spren, voidspren can only bond to certain individuals during certain times. For many voidspren, the Everstorm is needed for the bonding process, likely because of its output of voidlight. The lesser spren that create Regals can bond during highstorms, likely because the Regals can't invest the voidlight. The bonding process in the previous Desolations is unknown since this is the first Desolation when Odium summoned the Everstorm.


There are many varieties of voidspren, and each type, similar to the other bonding spren, serves a different purpose. Some of them can form bonds, and some haven't revealed if they can or not.

Guiding Spren

That yellow spren isn't any better. Hurry up. Keep moving. She tells us that we're free, then with the very next breath berates us for not obeying quickly enough.

— Sah on the yellow voidspren

These spren haven't shown any bonding abilities, and they serve Odium as guides and messengers. They appear as glowing yellow, shaped like windspren. In order to put themselves at the height of humans on parshmen, they stand on a similarly colored pillar that rises from the ground. When they walk, another pillar appears under any barefoot, keeping them yellow. These voidspren are seen guiding the multiple bands of newly made Voidbringers to settlements, cities and, in the case of Kaladin's group, to Kholinar. Any further purpose that they fulfill is unknown.


These spren are similar to the above spren in their color, being yellowish-white, but instead of appearing similar to windspren, these look more like "vivid yellow spheres cackling with energy." They are used during the Seige of Kholinar to locate any fabrials being used in the city. If a fabrial is turned on, these 'screamers' will wail, then start twisting over each other above the area, alerting a quickly-following Fused. The screamers can also sense when a Lashing is used, but not when a lightweaving is created. Pattern explains that he and Shallan are quieter than Syl and Kaladin. The screamers may be able to sense the output of stormlight, meaning that illusions aren't detectable because they burn through much less than a Lashing.


Turash, old friend, you look well in this new body

— Odium speaking to the new Thunderclast

Thunderclasts are giant stone monstrosities that are shaped like skeletons with angular heads. Their voidspren are huge spren, roughly the size of buildings. They are "souls so warped, so mangled, they didn't seem singer at all,". To bond, they take the stone in the ground as their form, inhabiting it like a body. Then they literally rip themselves from the ground. It is unknown why these huge voidspren don't need a gemheart to inhabit.

Bonding to Humans

Spren have always been able to bond with them, Turash. It merely requires the right mindset and the right environment.

— Odium explaining the voidsprens' bonds with humans

In previous Desolations, Odium hadn't learned to bond humans. But, while humankind was progressing on Roshar, Odium's knowledge was progressing on Braize. Somehow, Odium found out what was needed for voidspren to bond with man. First enveloping them in the Thrill, he made Sadeas's soldiers in the Battle of Thaylen Field so willing to fight that they gladly excepted the voidspren that Odium then sent into their now open minds. These voidspren do not offer any surges, and, as far as was shown, only turns one to Odium's side of the conflict.

These spren look barely humanoid, but twisted and warped. Shallan compares them to drawing she'd done in a maddened state, as they didn't look like people, but more like the scribbled outlines of one.


What these voidspren look like is unknown, since the spren resides in their gemhearts. When bonding, the voidspren kills the previous mindset of the body and controls it themselves. These spren, as shown multiple time, do offer surges.


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