Tierras de la Corona Orientales

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Tierras de la Corona Orientales
Era [[Era of Solitude]]{{era/Era of Solitude|}}
Mundo Roshar

The Eastern Crownlands was an area of land in the southeastern part of Alethkar.Error en la cita: Etiqueta <ref> no válida; las referencias sin nombre deben tener contenido It contained the Deathbend River. It borders Highprincedoms Bethab, Sebarial, Kholin, and possibly Thanadal.[fn 1] The Eastern Crownlands formed the eastern shore of the Sea of Spears and was also bordered by the Unclaimed Hills to the west and the Frostlands to the south. This is the area of land in Alethkar closest to the Shattered Plains. The city of Rathalas is near the north of the Eastern Crownlands, although it is unclear whether it falls in the Crownlands or Highprincedom Thanadal.

As the Eastern Crownlands did not appear to be attached to any highprince, it seems likely that they were the property of Elhokar, the king of Alethkar.




  1. The northern border of the Eastern Crownlands isn't clear
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