Brazales de Duelo (libro)

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<Brazales de Duelo (libro)>
Bands of Mourning US Hardcover.jpg
Nacidos de la bruma Era 2
Anterior Sombras de identidad
Siguiente El metal perdido (libro)
Localización Scadrial, Cosmere
Fecha original 26 de enero de 2016
Fecha española 21 de junio de 2017
Editorial Tor books, NOVA
ISBN 978-0-7653-7857-6
ISBN español 978-8466659628
Número de Páginas 447 (inglés), 512 (español)
Número de Palabras 127,456

Brazales de Duelo es el tercer libro ambientado en la segunda era de Nacidos de la bruma. Se publicó el 26 de enero de 2016 en inglés (por la editorial Tor) y el 21 de enero de 2017 en español (por la editorial NOVA en España), poco después de Sombras de identidad.[1]


Con Aleación de ley y Sombras de identidad, Brandon Sanderson sorprendió a los lectores con un spinoff de sus libros de Nacidos de la bruma, superventas del New York Times, ambientado después de los hechos de la trilogía, en un periodo correspondiente a la América de finales del siglo XIX.

Ahora, con Brazales de Duelo, Sanderson continúa la historia. Los Brazales de Duelo son las míticas mentes de metal que poseía el lord Legislador, y que se dice que otorgan a quien las lleva los poderes que él tenía a su disposición. Casi nadie cree que existan realmente. Pero ahora un investigador kandra ha regresado a Elendel con imágenes que parecen representarlos, así como escritos en un idioma que nadie puede leer. Waxillium Ladrian es reclutado para viajar al sur, a la ciudad de Nueva Seran, para investigar, y en el camino descubre indicios que apuntan a los verdaderos objetivos de su tío Edwarn y de la sombría organización conocida como el Grupo.




Wax es un adolescente que vive en la Aldea y se escapa a la ciudad con su hermana y sus amigos. Se entera de que un alguacil está visitando la zona por un reciente incendio provocado, así que se escabulle y espía a su abuela. Más tarde, en su habitación, espía a uno de estos amigos, Forch, fuera, bajo la lluvia. Va a investigar y lo encuentra torturando a un niño. Forch ataca, y Wax consigue matarlo con una bala que le robó a su abuela (dejada por el alguacil como advertencia). Se da cuenta de que su destino es luchar contra el crimen, lejos de la Aldea.

Parte 1

Seis meses después de la muerte de Paalm, Wax y Steris van a su boda. Ésta se ve interrumpida por la caída de una torre de agua cercana sobre la iglesia, lo que permite a Wax aplazar el matrimonio. Sigue lamentándose por haber matado a Lessie.

Cuando Wax vuelve a casa, encuentra a MeLaan y a otro kandra, VenDell, pidiendo ayuda a Marasi. Otro kandra llamado ReLuur estaba buscando los Brazales de Duelo y regresó herido y con un clavo faltante. Discuten varias posibilidades con la combinación de la feruquimia y la hemalurgia. Wax acepta ayudar a recuperar el clavo porque su hermana ha sido secuestrada.

Parte 2

Wax, Marasi, MeLaan y Wayne se dirigen a Nueva Seran, el último lugar donde se vio a ReLuur. Steris les acompaña, como corresponde a una prometida. Su tren es atacado por la banda de los Nocturnos, pero Wax cree que sólo es una distracción de su tío. Sigue adelante con su objetivo original en lugar de perseguir a los restos de la banda.

Wax, Steris y MeLaan acuden a una fiesta celebrada por Kelesina Shores, donde Wax recibe una extraña moneda de un vagabundo al entrar. Cuando él le pregunta sin rodeos por la moneda, ella pone una excusa y abandona la fiesta. Steris crea una distracción al vomitar repentinamente, lo que permite a Wax tratar de encontrarla. La encuentra en una habitación hablando con Señor Elegante por radio. Una mujer criada aparece y mata a Kelesina. Wax y MeLaan consiguen matarla y confiscar un brazalete de oro lleno de salud.

Meanwhile, Wayne and Marasi go to a graveyard to try to find the missing spike. They are attacked by members of the Set, but Wayne uses his healing and slider abilities to take them all down. They search the corrupt gravekeeper's ledger book and pay a visit to Templeton Fig, the man who sent the assassins. They bluff him into revealing that the spike was sent to Dulsing.

Meeting in the hotel room, Wax decides to press on to Dulsing even though he has been framed for Kelesina's murder and is probably needed back in Elendel to sort things out.

Parte 3

They head to Dulsing via horse and carriage. Before they get there, they discover a large, unfinished building near a village. Wayne manages to penetrate the defenses using another disguise, and the others join him. Inside they find some rooms and a large ship that has been slightly damaged. Wax and Wayne split off to find Telsin; Marasi and MeLaan try to find the spike.

Wax and Wayne climb up to the rafters, and Wax spots his sister in one of the rooms. Wayne bluffs his way in, and Wax reunites with his sister. The door of the room opens and Telsin shoots the newcomer without hesitation.

Meanwhile, Marasi and MeLaan have found the potential resting place of the spike, and they sneak into the room. While MeLaan picks the lock on a safe, Marasi discovers a man with a mask on locked up in a cage. She insists that he come with them. They retrieve the spike from the safe and hear gunshots.

After a long, hopeless gunfight, the two parties eventually meet up inside the ship. The masked man (Allik) leads them up through a door to a smaller boat. Wax Pushes the boat into the air, and Allik steers them away. They fly towards the "Sovereign's temple" to get there before Suit does.

Arriving at the temple, they know from ReLuur's drawings that this was where he was seeking the Bands of Mourning. They travel down a hallway riddled with lethal traps, which MeLaan triggers and survives. They arrive at a door that they can't open and go back to the entrance where Edwarn is waiting. They strike a deal, and they make it into a room with a dais and broken glass -- but no bands.

Thinking that it's over, Telsin reveals herself as a mole and shoots Wax. The Set takes everyone prisoner while Wax and Wayne desperately escape. Wax is grievously injured but finds a room with another set of bands. Edwarn follows him and takes the bands, but these are dummies too. Wax dies as Wayne looks on, weeping. Wax talks with Harmony, and he offers him a way back.

Meanwhile, Marasi has figured out that the spearhead from the statue is the actual Bands of Mourning. Everything else was a decoy to keep people away. She manages to grab it while under guard and starts rampaging with power. She goes to Wax, who has returned to life, and gives him the Bands.

Wayne hunts down Telsin and shoots her multiple times to avenge his friend's death, retrieving both MeLaan's and ReLuur's spikes. He restores MeLaan and lets Telsin escape.

Suit tries to escape in a ship nearby, but Wax stops him and apprehends him. Steris helps Allik rally his prisoner shipmates and fight the Set minions. After the battle is over, Wax and the captain argue over possession of the ship and the Bands. Steris steps in and they find a resolution: she can have her ship back, the kandra will take the Bands, and trade will open up between them.

They fly back to Elendel and Wax marries Steris, this time for love and companionship.


Some sort of being with red eyes visits Suit in his jail cell. He ominously announces that they are going to end all life on this sphere. Then he detonates a bomb.

Wax hears the bomb in his honeymoon suite and wakes up. He examines the strange coin and realizes it is a coppermind. Wax taps the memory and looks through the eyes of the Sovereign.


Following completion of The Alloy of Law Brandon plotted out three more books, following the same characters, to finish the story. The second of these is The Bands of Mourning. During the later half of 2014 Brandon was having difficulty getting back into the story for Shadows of Self, he had previously written a third or so of it in 2012 between drafts of A Memory of Light. Therefore he jumped ahead to write The Bands of Mourning, before going back and finishing Shadows of Self.[3][4]

According to the cover blurb the title refers to the Lord Ruler's bracers, which hold mythological significance in the post-Final Ascension world.[2]

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Análisis estadístico

The Bands of Mourning consists of thirty-one chapters, one prologue, and one epilogue, reaching a total 127,456 word count. There are eleven different unique point-of-view characters in a total of 83 POVs.

Word Count 127,456
Page Count 447 Tor hardback
Chapter Count 31 Including prologue and epilogue.
PoV Characters 11
PoV Count 83


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