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Mundo Roshar
Universo Cosmere

Defiance is Puuli's name for his lighthouse on the east coast of Roshar, though locals only refer to it as "the lighthouse".[1]

Defiance lies at the end of a long, twisting road, atop cliffs overlooking the Ocean of Origins. It has endured for over one hundred years, and has been in Puuli's family for at least three generations. The two-story building is short and squat, built stout with good stonework in order to resist the buffet of highstorms at their peak strength as they make landfall. A layer of crem on the outside prevents leaks. The ground level includes room for Puuli to store his wagon. The lighthouse's fire burns on the second floor, where mirrors are used to shine light out of an opening at night.[1]


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Jofwu (talk) 14:32, 2 August 2019 (UTC)

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