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Endowment by zoethatcher.jpg
Capacidades Esquirla Endowment
Títulos Endowment
Mundo natal Nalthis
Universo Cosmere

My eyes are not those of some petty noble, to be clouded by a false nose and some dirt on the cheeks.


Edgli is the Vessel of the Shard Endowment.[2][3] The Tears of Edgli are named after her.

Appearance and Personality

Good riddance.

—Edgli on Uli Da's death[4]

Edgli's appearance and even species are unknown; when speaking to the Returned, she has a calm, comforting voice. To them, she is gentle and kind, offering the possibility of coming back without pressuring them into it.[5] In private, however, she's a lot less personable. She's uninterested in meddling with the cosmere beyond Nalthis, and dislikes the idea of Shards interfering with one another; at the same time, she meddles with Nalthis itself extensively through the Returned.[6][7] She's said to be erratic, particularly when it comes to the manner in which she picks the people to Return.[8]

Though she calls Hoid "Dearest Cephandrius", she seems to dislike him quite heavily; she is frustrated with his visits to her territory, chastises him for refusing to become a Vessel, and generally tells him off for trying to interfere with the matters above what she perceives to be his weight class.[9][10] She appears to be more amicable when speaking with Harmony.[11] While it might be due to both of them being Shards, she does not extend the same courtesy to Uli Da, and is dismissive of Aona and Skai's fate.[4][12]

Abilities and Attributes

As a Vessel of the Shard Endowment, Edgli is immortal and immensely powerful; she can even bring the recently-dead back to life through bestowing her splinters, Divine Breath, upon them.[13][14] Like other Shards, she is capable of perceiving the future, though it's unknown how good she is at it.[5] She does, however, rank higher than most in being able to spot Hoid, as she declares herself perfectly capable of detecting his "intrusions" on Nalthis regardless of what disguise he uses.[1] It's unclear whether this is some capacity granted to her by her particular Shard, or simply her own keen mind.


Like all Vessels, Edgli is a native of Yolen.[15] She participated in the Shattering of Adonalsium, and took up one of the Shards, Endowment.[16] Honoring the deal that the Vessels made, to each go their own ways, she set out of Yolen and eventually wound up on Nalthis, Investing herself in it and becoming its sole Shard.[7][17]


  • Edgli is the author of the first of the letters in Oathbringer epigraphs.
  • The "E" in her name is pronounced as "eh", like in the word "echo".[18]
  • Brandon has repeatedly avoided stating whether or not Edgli is a dragon.[19][20]


  1. a b Juramentada capítulo 35 Epígrafe#
  2. Shadows of Self Lansing signing
    Arcanum - 2015-10-13#
  3. General Signed Books 2015
    Arcanum - 2015-12-23#
  4. a b Juramentada capítulo 40 Epígrafe#
  5. a b El aliento de los dioses capítulo 57#
  6. Calamity Philadelphia signing
    Arcanum - 2016-02-20#
  7. a b Juramentada capítulo 39 Epígrafe#
  8. /r/books AMA 2015
    Arcanum - 2015-06-06#
  9. Juramentada capítulo 33 Epígrafe#
  10. Juramentada capítulo 41 Epígrafe#
  11. El ritmo de la guerra capítulo 24 Epígrafe#
  12. Juramentada capítulo 37 Epígrafe#
  13. Warbreaker Annotations
    Arcanum - 2010-09-09#
  14. JordanCon 2016
    Arcanum - 2016-04-23#
  15. Words of Radiance Philadelphia signing
    Arcanum - 2014-03-21#
  16. Nacidos de la bruma: Historia Secreta parte 3 capítulo 2#
  17. 17th Shard Forum Q&A
    Arcanum - 2012-09-26#
  18. General Twitter 2016
    Arcanum - 2016-06-28#
  19. Legion Release Party
    Arcanum - 2018-09-19#
  20. General Twitter 2016
    Arcanum - 2016-08-12#
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