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Obras sin publicar

De La Coppermind
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La Coppermind tiene spoilers de todos los trabajos publicados de Brandon, incluyendo El Hombre Iluminado. La información sobre libros que aún no se han publicado (como El archivo de las tormentas 5) está permitida sólo en las páginas de los propios libros. Para ver una visión anterior de la wiki sin spoilers de uno de estos libros, ve a nuestra Máquina del Tiempo

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Esta página enumera todas las obras, escritas o no, de Brandon Sanderson que no han sido publicadas. Algunas son novelas escritas que han sido "truncadas", otras han sido reescritas o se ha hecho una versión de ellas. Algunas son ideas de las que Brandon ha hablado brevemente, pero se desconoce si llegarán a escribirse. El resto son futuras obras que, aunque no están escritas, saldrán con el tiempo.

En el artículo Bibliografía figura una lista de las obras publicadas.

Próximas obras

Obras del Cosmere

El archivo de las tormentas
Wind and Truth
Wind and Truth pondrá fin al primer arco de 5 libros y presentará flashbacks de Szeth.[1] Se titulaba provisionalmente Stones Unhallowed, pero las iniciales del nuevo título forman una especie de ketek con los otros libros del arco, y es poco probable que se cambie.[2][3]
El libro 6 incluirá flashbacks de Lift, el libro 7 de Renarin, el libro 8 de Ash, el libro 9 de Taln, y el libro 10 de Jasnah.[4] No se escribirán hasta después de la trilogía Nacidos de la bruma Era 3.[5]
Título provisional de una novela sobre Lunamor, el Unkalaki también conocido como Roca.[6] Está ambientada después de Juramentada, e implica su regreso a su tierra natal.[7] Está previsto que se escriba entre Wind and Truth y El archivo de las tormentas 6.[8] Brandon confirmó previamente que estará disponible como parte del Kickstarter de Palabras radiantes en 2024, pero debido a que su tiempo de escritura está ocupado, saldrá a la venta algún tiempo después.[9][10][11]
Novela sin título de Lopen
Una novela sobre Lopen, el herdaziano del Puente Cuatro, ambientada entre El camino de los reyes y Palabras radiantes.[7]
Nacidos de la bruma
Sangre Espectral
Una trilogía que se desarrolla en un entorno urbano con un nivel tecnológico de los años 80 y es como un thriller de espías de la época de la Guerra Fría. Se escribirá entre El archivo de las tormentas 5 y El archivo de las tormentas 6.[12][13] Anteriormente conocida como la trilogía Nacidos de la bruma 3.
Trilogía Nacidos de la bruma Era 4
Una space opera, con viajes interplanetarios. Sanderson ha confirmado que Hoid será un personaje principal en esta Era.[14] La trilogía de los 80 y la trilogía espacial son "piedras angulares" de la historia de Nacidos de la bruma y tendrán consecuencias de gran alcance en el Cosmere.[15][16] Anticipa que las novelas de la Era 4 tendrán la longitud de El archivo de las tormentas.[17]
Book of Nails
Isaac Stewart está trabajando en una historia protagonizada por Nicki Savage;[18] anteriormente escribió sus historias en los periódicos de Elendel. Lo describe como "una mujer aventurera con poderes mágicos erráticos viaja con una expedición a una isla para encontrar un libro legendario con el poder de levantar un ejército de muertos vivientes".[19] Brandon ayudó con el esbozo, pero sería la primera obra completa del Cosmere escrita principalmente por otro autor. Estaba destinada a ser una novela corta,[20] pero se convirtió en una novela,[21] y el primer borrador se completó en 2022.[22] En un principio se llamó Boatload of Mummies (Barco lleno de momias).[20]
Trilogía Elantris 2-3
Tiene lugar diez años después, con un reparto totalmente nuevo.[23][24] Debe escribirse antes de la tercera trilogía de Nacidos de la bruma, ambientada en los años 80, y es probable que se escriba entre El archivo de las tormentas 5 y 6.[25][26][27]
Secuela de Elantris
Sigue a Kaise, Daorn, y Adien como embajadores en Fjorden.[23][24] Llamada Dakhor en las notas de Brandon, también contará con el regreso de Jaddeth.[28][29]
Final de Elantris
Sangre Nocturna
Secuela de El aliento de los dioses.[30] Aunque a Brandon no le gusta necesariamente escribir precuelas,[31] ha mencionado que la historia de varios personajes de Nalthis podría ser explorada en el libro;[32][33] considera esto una excepción debido a las circunstancias que rodearon la escritura y el lanzamiento de El aliento de los dioses,[34] y también podría introducir nuevos personajes.[35][36] Se escribirá en algún momento después de El archivo de las tormentas 5, posiblemente después de El archivo de las tormentas 6; es probable que las secuelas de Nacidos de la bruma Era 3 y Elantris lleguen antes.[37][38][30]
Isles of the Emberdark
Una nueva versión de la planeada secuela de Sexto del Ocaso, en la que Sexto del Ocaso se integra en la narración a modo de flashback.[39] Anunciado como Proyecto Secreto junto con la campaña de Backerkit para el libro en su edición en piel de Palabras radiantes, está ambientado en el Cosmere del futuro lejano con una alta conectividad con el Cosmere y un escenario planeado en el Reino Cognitivo.[40] Brandon leyó originalmente un extracto para la fiesta virtual de lanzamiento de El ritmo de la guerra antes de reelaborarlo en su forma actual.[41] Su publicación está prevista para 2025.
Saga Dragonsteel
Una saga de libros que sólo se escribirán una vez finalizado El archivo de las tormentas.[42] El número de entregas ha cambiado con el tiempo, pero la última vez se dijo que serían tres libros.[43]
The Liar of Partinel/The Lightweaver of Rens
La historia de los orígenes de Hoid.[44] Es probable que se integren en la serie Dragonsteel, ya que es necesario rehacerla casi por completo.[45][44]
Aether of Night
Una reescritura de la décima novela de Brandon, ya que varios elementos del original fueron canibalizados para otras obras (como Decadencia convirtiéndose en Ruina). Ya no está truncada.[46] Brandon ha dicho que será drásticamente diferente de la novela inédita y que sólo conservará la ubicación en el Cosmere y el sistema de magia.[47] Brandon todavía no está seguro de cuándo va a encajar esta historia en la línea de tiempo del Cosmere en general, pero está previsto que sean tres novelas.[48]
The Night Brigade
Una novela ambientada en Treno ha formado parte del plan de Brandon para el Cosmere desde antes de su publicación. Originalmente planeada para ser la historia de la gente que huyó a los bosques del infierno después de que la Maldad destruyera Patria. Recientemente ha considerado cambiar la historia por la de una expedición que es enviada de vuelta a la Patria.[49] Se pensó en un título provisional: The Dust Brigade, pero en realidad era The Dusk brigade. Más tarde, Brandon cambió el título a The Night brigade porque ya existe un personaje llamado "Dusk", Ocaso, en el Cosmere.[50] Sería más oscura que otras obras del Cosmere[51] y tendría alguna relación con Luzdeplata.[52] No se considera un libro principal del Cosmere y podría suprimirse si Brandon no tiene tiempo para escribirlo. Presentará a un grupo del Cosmere que Brandon quiere que se mencione antes de que termine la secuencia del Cosmere.
The Silence Divine
Novela ambientada en Ashyn, en el sistema roshariano, donde las enfermedades otorgan habilidades mágicas.[53]. En un momento dado, era probable que cambiara de nombre, ya que Brandon había escrito recientemente otra novela con "Silencio" en el título, aunque han pasado varios años desde entonces.[54] Es poco probable que se escriba pronto, ya que Brandon necesita investigar más sobre inmunología y tiene poco tiempo.[55] Aunque se mencionó como una novela corta durante mucho tiempo, recientemente se ha dicho que está planeada como una novela.[56]
Historia sin título de Luzdeplata
Una novela ambientada en Luzdeplata.[49] Tendría que seguir a la novela de Treno, si es que se escribe.[52]
Novela sin anunciar
Una novela del Cosmere aún no anunciada, de 200.000 a 300.000 palabras, ambientada en el futuro del Cosmere. Es distinta de los proyectos secretos del Kickstarter de 2023, y es "quizá más bestial y épica" que sus otros proyectos paralelos.[57][58]
Reescritura de Arena Blanca en prosa
Habrá una reescritura en prosa de Arena Blanca' que se ajustará mejor a los acontecimientos de las tres primeras novelas gráficas.[59][60]

Obras no relacionadas con el Cosmere

Cytoverse works
Skyward Legacy
The sequel trilogy to Skyward, written by Janci Patterson.[61]
Super Awesome Danger
A middle grade story written in secret with the help of his sons, Brandon envisions it as a graphic novel.[62]
The Reckoners sequels
Lux (prose)
The audio original was released in 2021, and a print version is coming at some point in the future.[63]
The Original (prose)
A prose version of the audio original is expected after the exclusivity period with the audio publisher ends.[59]
Legion audio dramas
Brandon always envisioned Legion as a TV series; because that has not happened yet, he is instead developing a series of audio dramas. The showrunner is his partner in Mainframe, Max Epstein.[59] The first of these audio dramas is titled Stephen Leeds: Death & Faxes.[64]
Dark One sequels
Two sequel graphic novels are planned, as well as a possible TV show and two audio originals.[65][66][59] The audio originals are titled Dark One: Forgotten and Dark One: Prophetic Histories.[64] The graphic novels may also be released in prose form.[59]
The Apocalypse Guard
A follow-up of The Reckoners for Random House. It was originally set in the Reckoners universe[67] and even had the potential to cross over into the Cytoverse,[68] but the current setting is unknown. Features a team that goes to alternate universes to prevent world-ending events.[69] Planned as a trilogy, initial attempts at writing the first installment "did not work".[47] Brandon attempted a somewhat unusual collaboration with author Dan Wells to try and fix the project.[70][71] The collaboration progressed with additional revisions and "[got] weirder".[72] After the revisions, neither Brandon nor Dan was totally satisfied and the project was shelved.[73] It has not been abandoned, and Brandon plans to work on it after Skyward 4.[59]
Songs of the Dead, formerly Death By Pizza
A novel originally featuring a necromancer pizza deliveryman.[74] Was on hiatus for years.[47] Progress was made, and the main character's job was changed to a heavy metal singer.[75] Brandon decided to collaborate with Peter Orullian due to his knowledge of heavy metal culture.[72] A draft was completed in 2018.[72] It was further revised in 2019-2021.[59] As of 2023, the book was complete and being sent to publishers, with a release expected soon.[60]
The Rithmatist sequels
Two sequels are planned, tentatively titled The Aztlanian[74][13] and The Nebraskian.[76] Writing a sequel to The Rithmatist has proved to be difficult.[25] Brandon still intends to wrap the series up, but has various other projects that will be worked on first.[72][59]

Potential Works

These are projects that Brandon has mentioned as possibilities but there are no firm plans in place.

Cosmere Works

Arcanum Unbounded 2
Will contain more short stories and the Nalthis essay. However, many of the short stories that could have been published in an Arcanum Unbounded 2 became full-length Secret Project novels.[77][78]
Cosmere world guide
A potential illustrated companion for the cosmere novels. It would not happen before Stormlight 5. It has not progressed past the idea stage because Brandon has concerns about the amount of effort that would be needed in order to meet fan expectations for the artwork.[79] In 2011, Brandon stated that he would do Mistborn and The Stormlight Archive reference books first.[80]
1940's Mistborn
Potentially more short adventures set before Era 3.[13] Could be a novella.[81]
Near-future Cyberpunk Mistborn
Potentially more adventures set between Era 3 and 4.[82] It is not a cornerstone of the overall Mistborn story, and could be done as a novella or not at all.[81][15]
Mistborn: Secret History 2
Brandon has mentioned a potential sequel to Secret History on several occasions, potentially including flashbacks and additional backstory related to both Era 1 and Era 2.[83][84] However, he has explicitly stated that it is a low priority compared to other cosmere works and may never be written,[85][86] especially since the first Secret History took nearly a decade to write and Brandon considers this type of side project "self-indulgent". Kelsier is planned to be involved in Mistborn Era 3, which increases the likelihood of another Secret History when Brandon gets to that point.[87]
Parallel Mistborn novel from Hoid's perspective
Like Back to the Future Part II.[88] Last mentioned as of 2018.[89]
White Sand
Second Set of White Sand graphic novels
These would be set on the Darkside of Taldain, and would also be a trilogy. They would not, however, be prose.[90]
a young adult novel set on First of the Sun. It would not feature Dusk.[59] Brandon read from the first draft at the Cytonic release event in November, 2021.
Untitled The Emperor's Soul sequel
a story set in the Rose Empire on Sel.[59] Initial plans were for a story not centered around Wan ShaiLu[91] except perhaps a cameo role.[92] However, Brandon later came up with a story idea for Shai that is more of a direct sequel.[93]
YA book set in a minor cosmere planet
It would follow one of Hoid's apprentices, set in the future of the cosmere (between era 3 and 4) stranded on a minor cosmere planet and trying to figure out their kite-based magic system.[94][95][59]
Mythos series
In the 2022 and 2023 State of Sandersons it was mentioned that Brandon was thinking about writing a series set on Mythos. No other information has been offered at this time.[96][97]
The Grand Apparatus
In the 2023 State of Sanderson it was mentioned that he was planning to write a book called The Grand Apparatus. No other information is known about this work.[97]
Additional Cosmere stories by Isaac Stewart
Brandon was originally resistant to collaborating on cosmere stories,[98] but has since noted that Isaac is the only person he would trust to work in the shared universe and do it justice.[99][78] Isaac now has a "blank slate" to develop cosmere works.[100] The first of these potential projects is Boatload of Mummies, but other ideas have been mentioned, including a story titled Son of Bones and set on Scadrial[101] (possibly on the southern continent),[98] The Arcanist featuring Khriss,[102] and a story set on Threnody.[78] The first draft of a Boatload of Mummies was finished as of 2022.[22]
Additional Cosmere stories by Dan Wells
It was announced in 2022 that Dan Wells had been appointed as VP of Narrative at Dragonsteel, part of this involves writing new stories set in the Cosmere. Brandon has stated that he is working closely on these with Dan.[96] Dan himself indicated that work has begun on his first novel which is focused upon something that has not been covered by the Cosmere, or the fantasy genre as a whole.[103]
Cosmere picture books
Based on cosmere folk tales such as "The Dog and the Dragon" and "The Girl who Looked Up".[59]

Non-Cosmere Works

Additional Cytoverse works
The Eyes
A short story set in the Cytoverse; it is a space opera inspired by Fermi's paradox.[49] A draft was made available in an early Patreon campaign.[104] Brandon quickly decided that the lore was not working well and shelved it. He repurposed an idea from the story about "living" power sources into the taynix.[105] A tweaked version of the story could still take place in Cytoverse continuity and Brandon has not ruled out rewriting it.[106]
Additional The Reckoners works
Brandon has some general ideas for a standalone Mizzy book, but nothing concrete.[49][25]
Formerly titled The Lurker.[13] Planned as a sequence of six novellas, two of which will be written by other authors. Brandon wants to wait until all four of his novellas are written before finding co-authors. Only one episode has been written, but he has had a breakthrough in some visuals and worldbuilding. The second novella could be written at any time.[49] There was some consideration of a shared universe with Skyward, but this is not likely.[107] It remains in limbo due to other projects taking precedence.[48]
I Hate Dragons
After Brandon made a short story of the same name available for free on his website, as well as 4 chapters of a more fleshed-out version, he created an outline for a full book, which hasn't been further realised, yet.[58]
Zeek Harbinger, Destroyer of Worlds
Middle grade sci-fi humor, potentially a follow-up to the Alcatraz series.[108] About a young man who whenever he visits a planet, the planet blows up shortly after for various reasons (such as a nuclear catastrophe). Each book would be set on a different world and tell the story of how it blows up.[109]
Mulholland Homebrew's Sinister Shop of Secret Pets
Middle grade/YA humor, about a girl who accidentally apprentices herself to a guy who runs a fantasy pet shop.[109] First mentioned in 2012, Brandon is still interested in the story as of 2022, but it's more likely to be adapted in a different format, if at all.[110]
Non-cosmere picture books
Brandon is currently shopping a non-cosmere picture book. He would prefer to gain some experience in this area before publishing a cosmere picture book.[59]
The Boring Book

"Trunked" Works

These are works that are unlikely to ever be published either because elements have been co-opted for use in other books (as with Mythwalker and Aether of Night) or because the book has been re-written from scratch (as with White Sand Prime and The Way of Kings Prime).

White Sand Prime
Brandon's first novel, later re-written as White Sand (prose).[108]
Star's End
Brandon's second novel, a short alien-relations/sci-fi story.[108]
Lord Mastrell
Brandon's third novel, a sequel to White Sand Prime.[108]
Knight Life
Brandon's fourth novel, a fantasy comedy.[108]
The Sixth Incarnation of Pandora
Brandon's fifth novel, a far future sci-fi involving immortal warriors[111]
Dragonsteel Prime
Brandon's seventh novel, served as his Master's thesis. Will be rewritten for the main cosmere sequence. Made available as both ebook and hardcover as part of the Words of Radiance leatherbound crowdfunding campaign.
White Sand (prose)
Brandon's eighth novel, a complete rewrite of the first. This later served as the basis for his graphic novels.
Brandon's ninth novel, a book that included the characters Vivenna and Siri[112]
Mistborn Prime
Brandon's eleventh novel, elements were later combined with Final Empire Prime for Mistborn: The Final Empire.
Final Empire Prime
Brandon's twelfth novel, elements were later combined with Mistborn Prime for Mistborn: The Final Empire.
The Way of Kings Prime
Brandon's thirteenth novel, later re-written as The Way of Kings. This is being published as part of the Way of Kings 10th edition Kickstarter in hardcover form and is available as an ebook for free on Brandon's website.
The King's Necromancer
An early draft was partially completed in 2010.[113] Elements of the magic system were later incorporated into the project that became Songs of the Dead. The text of the original draft has been completely discarded, and there has not been any indication that it is still in the works.[114]
Climb the Sky
An early cosmere book that was the origin of the character that eventually became Syl.[115] It would have possibly involved aethers and flying magic.[116]


  1. Skyward release party
    Arcanum - 2018-11-06#
  2. General Reddit 2019
    Arcanum - 2019-11-15#
  3. State of the Sanderson 2022
    Arcanum - 2022-12-22#
  4. Skyward Houston signing
    Arcanum - 2018-11-19#
  5. The Great American Read: Other Worlds with Brandon Sanderson
    Arcanum - 2018-10-25#
  6. State of the Sanderson 2019
    Arcanum - 2019-12-19#
  7. a b General Reddit 2019
    Arcanum - 2019-05-28#
  8. General Reddit 2023
    Arcanum - 2023-03-13#
  9. Shardcast Interview
    Arcanum - 2023-07-30#
  10. General Reddit 2023
    Arcanum - 2023-08-17#
  11. State of the Sanderson 2023
    Arcanum - 2023-12-19#
  12. Another Long and Rambling Post™ on Future Books
    Brandon's website - Oct 12th, 2010#
  13. a b c d State of the Sanderson 2014
    Brandon's website - 2014-12-18#
  14. Alloy of Law release party
    Arcanum - 2011-11-07#
  15. a b Travis Gafford Interview
    Arcanum - 2020-11-12#
  16. Calamity Seattle signing
    Arcanum - 2016-02-17#
  17. General Reddit 2019
    Arcanum - 2019-12-10#
  18. Miscellaneous 2023
    Arcanum - 2023-05-28#
  19. General Reddit 2021
    Arcanum - 2021-12-01#
  20. a b Mini-Con 2021
    Arcanum - 2021-11-22#
  21. General Reddit 2021
    Arcanum - 2021-11-30#
  22. a b State of the Sanderson 2022
    Arcanum - 2022-12-22#
  23. a b Phoenix Comicon 2013
    Arcanum - 2013-05-24#
  24. a b Berlin signing
    Arcanum - 2019-05-14#
  25. a b c The Great American Read: Other Worlds with Brandon Sanderson
    Arcanum - 2018-10-25#
  26. State of the Sanderson 2015
    Arcanum - 2015-12-18#
  27. Arched Doorway Interview
    Arcanum - 2015-09-04#
  28. YouTube Spoiler Stream 5
    Arcanum - 2022-12-02#
  29. YouTube Spoiler Stream 5
    Arcanum - 2022-12-02#
  30. a b State of the Sanderson 2014
    Arcanum - 2014-12-18#
  31. Goodreads Fantasy Book Discussion Warbreaker Q&A
    Arcanum - 2010-01-18#
  32. Skyward Seattle signing
    Arcanum - 2018-11-10#
  33. FanX Spring 2019
    Arcanum - 2019-04-19#
  34. Rhythm of War Preview Q&As
    Arcanum - 2020-10-01#
  35. Oathbringer Portland signing
    Arcanum - 2017-11-16#
  36. White Sand vol.1 release party
    Arcanum - 2016-06-28#
  37. State of the Sanderson 2018
    Arcanum - 2018-12-19#
  38. Skyward Houston signing
    Arcanum - 2018-11-19#
  39. Secret Project #5 Reveal and Livestream
    Arcanum - 2024-03-21#
  40. Miscellaneous 2018
    Arcanum - 2018-12-19#
  41. RoW Release Party
    Arcanum - 2020-11-17#
  42. Idaho Falls signing
    Arcanum - 2018-12-29#
  43. FanX 2018
    Arcanum - 2018-09-06#
  44. a b Hal-Con 2012
    Arcanum - 2012-10-30#
  45. General Reddit 2016
    Arcanum - 2016-12-21#
  46. State of the Sanderson 2015
    Brandon's website - 2015-12-18#
  47. a b c State of the Sanderson 2017
    Brandon's website - 2017-12-18#
  48. a b State of the Sanderson 2019
    Brandon's website - 2019-12-19#
  49. a b c d e State of the Sanderson 2016
    Brandon's website - 2016-12-18#
  50. Secret Project #4 Reveal and Livestream
    Arcanum - 2022-03-29#
  51. Skyward Pre-Release AMA
    Arcanum - 2018-10-12#
  52. a b General Reddit 2019
    Arcanum - 2019-05-28#
  53. State of the Sanderson 2017
    Arcanum - 2017-12-19#
  54. /r/books AMA 2015
    Arcanum - 2015-03-13#
  55. General Twitter 2019
    Arcanum - 2019-04-12#
  56. State of the Sanderson 2022
    Brandon's website - 2022-12-22#
  57. Secret Project #2 Reveal and Livestream
    Arcanum - 2022-03-15#
  58. a b YouTube Livestream 22
    Arcanum - 2020-11-12#
  59. a b c d e f g h i j k l m State of the Sanderson 2020
    Brandon's website - 2020-12-18#
  60. a b State of the Sanderson 2023
    Brandon's website - 2023-12-19#
  61. Miscellaneous 2023
    Arcanum - 2023-01-01#
  62. Secret Project Kickstarter Reveal and Livestream
    Arcanum - 2022-03-01#
  63. Peter Ahlstrom on Twitter
    — Twitter - 2021-06-24#
  64. a b JABberwocky Catalog & Rights Guide
    — - 2021-06-14#
  65. General Reddit 2019
    Arcanum - 2019-08-02#
  66. Comments on TV series and audio originals
    — Reddit - 2020-6-22#
  67. Brandon's Blog 2016
    Arcanum - 2016-03-03#
  68. LTUE 2020
    Arcanum - 2020-02-15#
  69. Brandon's The Apocalypse Guard announcement
    Brandon's website - Mar 3rd, 2016#
  70. Orem signing
    Arcanum - 2018-03-10#
  71. Skyward Pre-Release AMA
    Arcanum - 2018-10-04#
  72. a b c d State of the Sanderson 2018
    Brandon's website - 2018-12-18#
  73. General Reddit 2019
    Arcanum - 2019-10-28#
  74. a b State of the Sanderson 2013
    Brandon's website - 2013-07-24#
  75. Skyward Denver signing
    Arcanum - 2018-11-15#
  76. Holiday signing
    Arcanum - 2015-12-12#
  77. Words of Radiance Backerkit Product Preview
    Arcanum - 2024-03-15#
  78. a b c YouTube Livestream 39
    Arcanum - 2022-02-01#
  79. YouTube Livestream 16
    Arcanum - 2020-08-20#
  80. Tor Twitter Chat
    Arcanum - 2011-11-14#
  81. a b General Reddit 2019
    Arcanum - 2019-12-10#
  82. Salt Lake City Comic-Con 2014
    Arcanum - 2014-09-04#
  83. FanX 2018
    Arcanum - 2018-09-07#
  84. JordanCon 2021
    Arcanum - 2021-07-16#
  85. Skyward Seattle signing
    Arcanum - 2018-11-10#
  86. Tel Aviv Signing
    Arcanum - 2019-10-18#
  87. JordanCon 2018
    Arcanum - 2018-04-21#
  88. 17th Shard Forum Q&A
    Arcanum - 2012-09-26#
  89. Skyward Houston signing
    Arcanum - 2018-11-19#
  90. DragonCon 2019
    Arcanum - 2019-08-31#
  91. Words of Radiance Philadelphia signing
    Arcanum - 2014-03-21#
  92. Idaho Falls signing
    Arcanum - 2018-12-29#
  93. ICon 2019
    Arcanum - 2019-10-15#
  94. General Reddit 2019
    Arcanum - 2019-01-02#
  95. Sanderson is working on a "non-Stormlight Cosmere novella"
    — Reddit - 2019-04-27#
  96. a b State of the Sanderson 2022
    Arcanum - 2022-12-22#
  97. a b State of the Sanderson 2023
    Arcanum - 2023-12-19#
  98. a b Idaho Falls signing
    Arcanum - 2018-12-29#
  99. YouTube Livestream 24
    Arcanum - 2020-12-31#
  100. YouTube Livestream 36
    Arcanum - 2021-10-07#
  101. YouTube Livestream 39
    Arcanum - 2022-02-01#
  102. Dark One Q&A
    Arcanum - 2020-07-02#
  103. State of the Sanderson 2022
    Arcanum - 2022-12-22#
  104. State of the Sanderson 2016
    Arcanum - 2016-12-19#
  105. Dragonsteel Mini-Con 2021
    Arcanum - 2021-11-22#
  106. General Reddit 2018
    Arcanum - 2018-12-21#
  107. Skyward Pre-Release AMA
    Arcanum - 2018-10-04#
  108. a b c d e Hero of Ages Q&A - Time Waster's Guide
    Arcanum - 2008-10-15#
  109. a b Galley Table Podcast interview
    Arcanum - 2012-07-09#
  110. YouTube Spoiler Stream 4
    Arcanum - 2022-06-16#
  111. Elantris Annotations
    Arcanum - 2005-08-30#
  112. Warbreaker Annotations
    Arcanum - 2010-07-15#
  113. Another Long and Rambling Post On Future Books
    Arcanum - 2010-10-12#
  114. General Reddit 2018
    Arcanum - 2018-12-21#
  115. Oathbringer San Francisco signing
    Arcanum - 2017-11-15#
  116. TWG Posts
    Arcanum - 2004-06-22#
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